By Tom Henderson • Staff Writer • 

Global climate, local action

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Many years ago the earth was covered in a vast sheet of ice and snow. New York was uninhabitable as was the rest of the land that would become the US. Then, dramatically and over many, many years began to warm and make the environment habitable by man and beast. Then came 1970 and we were traumatized by global cooling. Then came now. No cooling and indeed the temperatures of the ocean rose .004 tenths of Fahrenheit. Since then the lower level schools began indoctrinating the students to fear global warming. Then climate change. All sorts of people with lots of money at stake began pushing climate change as something we could actually control. Lots of people believed that and still do to this day. Those people are trying to change the lives of everyone with the fear and false hoods that man actually has the power to control the weather. If this were true China and Russia would be the place to start cutting down on pollution. But no, the alarmists want to keep pushing this supposed problem with the knowledge nothing will change what we have not created. It is time to get back to worshipping the creator and not the creation. Quit being so silly. You are scaring the kids. And that is cruel.


Well put!


McMinnville is getting like the Portland Metro region - out of sight out of mind with the garbage situation. I wonder how the locals in Cowlitz feel that the wine snobs are dumping in their community?

Don Dix

It's all hype! The name of the cause has morphed from 'global warming' because Mother Nature didn't cooperate -- 'climate change' covers everything. 'Climate emergency' and 'climate chaos' are now finding roots. Next might be 'climate catastrophe', 'climate armageddon', or even 'climate holocaust'.

And the villain, CO2, is a trace gas whose effect is overwhelmed by the influence of water vapor (95%). 96.8% of CO2 occurs naturally, so only 3.2% is man's contribution. Think about that -- 3.2% of a trace gas that is 400ppm (of total atmosphere) is blamed for anything climate. That leaves 999,600ppm (of other gasses) that seem to have no play (if you believe) --BS!

The reason, presumably, this hypothesis (not a proven theory) is employed is CO2 is the low hanging fruit. And all the scary scenarios predicted have failed to materialize -- ice melt, sea rise, more and violent storms, polar bear extinction, no more snow, and on and on. How many times must the predictions be so wrong that people wake up to the fact that reality doesn't fit the narrative?

If Mother Nature decides to shake her tail, mankind will go the way of 99.9% of previous life forms -- gone. Al Gore, the IPCC, NASA, NOAA, and all those who say climate can be controlled worldwide is total fantasy, and we see the proof everyday. DO some study, educate yourself on the facts. Otherwise, you are just sheep following the latest lead ram.


This is why careful editing of headlines is important.
Mr. Henderson wrote a very good informative story.
And it becomes utterly lost because the headline inexplicably mentions climate which now serves as a "trigger" word.

Thanks anyway for the story, Mr. Henderson.
And thanks to Zero Waste for all they do for our community.

Don Dix

Treehouse makes a solid point (about the article) -- but any mention of 'climate' seems to be utilized to rally the troops, as if it is sacred.

I'm all for 'cleaning the environment', it's an important and necessary task (thank you Zero Waste for you efforts). But using the word 'climate' to implore that enterprise is deceitful and designed to play upon the conscience. So let's clean up anything that makes our home safer, and leave the climate to do what it always has -- change!

Mike D

Tree. The headline was likely intended to trigger, gopher, et all. They enjoy responding to the silly idea we humans can control our environment all the way to our climate. It is fun rail against the stupidity. I like that they are triggered to comment because they are supporting independent local news with their subscription. I think we humans are very good at altering our environment to the extent of changing our climate, and it is not just CO2. And I am resigned to the fact we humans will continue to live the good life until like Don says "When Mother decides to shake her tail" (love that phrase). We will use what the earth has to offer. So it has always been. The bible even has some stories of folks who tried to warn of coming reckoning for how we were behaving. They weren't listened to either.

Christmas has Talons

Gopher, my gosh it's so refreshing to see your response because it's so true. People wonder why suicide rates in young people are going up at such a dramatic rate. Heck, what have we given them to find hope in and on top of that we create a high anxiety situation that seems to have no chance for a positive outcome.

Jeb Bladine


Looking more closely at the story, it is the Zero Waste leader who refers to climate issues as “overwhelming and depressing to the point of being debilitating,” saying this program works “to provide practical ways to light the one proverbial candle rather than cursing the darkness.”

Concerning CO2, there are interesting sides to the debate: One response to the “trace gas” discussion comes from a writer on the blog of the Earth Institute at Columbia University, found here:

By the way, for a few of you commenters, there’s a little surprise coming in our first News-Register issue of 2020, on Friday. Take a look.

But for now, Happy New Year, earthlings!

David S. Wall

Our Board of Commissioners (BOC) foolishly wasted a significant amount of money on the SEDCOR contract then wasted more money on Economic Grant awards recommended by SEDCOR.

The BOC should have been creating a ZERO WASTE program with this money.

At least, the BOC could have taken steps to rid food waste and yard waste from River Bend Landfill via an "Industrial-sized" yard and food waste composting combined with a vigorous vermicomposting operation.

The culture of throwing away stuff will change despite those who will ridicule others who espouse and take the necessary steps to bring about ZERO WASTE.

Check out the Metro folks who dumped their trash in McMinnville for years with the help of local politicians until they figured River Bend Landfill has had its' fill.

As to the climate change discussion in this article...plant more trees.

David S. Wall


“ plant more trees.” you say? How about the wineries be forced to reforest the areas they all cut down? Return those areas to forest and at the same time cut down on the illegal alien population here locally. And save our roads and water resources too.


My God, Greg. You can turn anything into a conduit to promote your hatred for “other” people. GIVE IT A REST. It is very unbecoming and certainly not as Jesus would act.


Drew1951 I used the instacrates I bought at Costco at Fred Meyer yesterday. It works well just put two boxes at the end and don’t even use any bags at all. I didn’t even use bags for my vegetables and fruits. I did notice on the way out though garbage cans overflowing with Starbucks cups and plastic lids. Maybe the should start taxing Starbucks too?

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