By Paul Daquilante • Staff Writer • 

County employees vote to authorize strike

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More flames from the dumpster fire.......


Silly county workers! Don't they realize that county money should only be given to rich campaign donors?


Living wage

Living Wage $21.85

one child, two and three ..... $40.55 $50.90 $68.34

Think about that in your negotiation.


Define a living wage. Is that a wage that comes to work and makes its own living?

$68.34? Is this white privilege or white supremacy? How high do you want our taxes to go up? Troy, you, Otis, and altoid could take the lead and mail those extra taxes to the county until the new taxes kick in. Put your money where your mouth is.

I do think that the evil 'commissioners' are doing this all wrong. They should just pay the union what it is asking and stop trying to stick to a budget. They should use the city council's example of budget sorcery. Overspend the budget, then do a fair amount of public hand-wringing, worrying about what to do. Get the NR to kick up some sympathetic articles about the budget crisis, then hit the citizens with a new tax and call it a "fee."

BOOM! Crisis Averted.

Bill B

Way too much "TroyProuty*" on this board

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