By Scott Unger • Of the News-Register • 

Conditions worsen on Marsh Lane

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Bill B

Thank you for continuing to report on this situation.


McMinnville can Thank our Mayor and City Council for this ongoing issue! They continue to turn a blind eye to the problem! They honestly don't think we have a problem! Proper enforcement is a pipe dream with our city leadership!


Drew, those are baseless accusations. They are taking it very seriously, but it’s an extremely complicated issue. The unhoused have rights that limit enforcement. Martin V. Boise is making it very difficult to move forward. I also do not like what is happening, but I don’t blame the councilors.


BleepBloop, you obviously don’t have to deal with the “unhoused” population on a daily basis and see what I see and deal with! Nor do our city councilors. People like yourself and our do-nothing council, would rather live in a world of lollypops and roses and just believe in the lies our elected officials are telling. BeepBloop, as far as rights go, I have a right not to have unwelcomed trespassers on my property on an almost daily basis! I have a right to not have my 13-year-old daughter screamed at and called expletives while walking up and down our beautiful 3rd street! I have a right not to have to change my walking rout because the sidewalk is unpassable by piles of “unhoused” belongings. Obviously change has to happen! I see no change happening for the good! Ask yourselves, is McMinnville and our tax paying community better off today than we were 5 years ago? And don’t even get me started on the City working within a balanced budget!


Drew, that is horrible and I am sorry that your daughter had to experience that. I truly sympathize with your plight.

My only point is that this is not a cut and dry issue of "The Commissioners do not care about the issue". If they would implement stricter policies, the city would be exposed to lawsuits. This would cause huge financial stresses on the city and the budget seems to be important to you. I also don't think it's as clear cut as asking if we are better off than we were five years ago (BTW, I think we are). There have been huge local and world events over the last five years. The city councilors only have so much power.

And yes, of course you have a right not to have trespassers on your property. Law enforcement takes that very seriously.

Again, I am sorry about your daughters experience.


Why don't we create an RV park on city land for the homeless? With water and power hookups? and a shower trailer? Austin TX has done it with success with the Loaves and Fishes program.

Bill B

Has there been any analysis of the number of open beds in the city? Seems like that's the tipping point for the police to take action.


public corporal punishment for dealers. Livestreamed on Facebook. Problem solved.


Maybe these people living on Marsh lane should go get a job.It seems they have alot of free time.With the new minimum wage increase they could find a place to reside.Just a thought.


It seems that the easiest way to deal with unpleasant issues is to paint all of the “offenders” with the same brush. Understandable, but in the interest of solving a problem, not very prudent. If there are houseless individuals who are willing to, or are currently working, unless they are making above the county median income, have been priced out of McMinnville. The cost of a home out of reach for so many. Property taxes are a slap in the face for property owners in Yamhill County. Rent may be doable if you forgo food, electricity, water, garbage. But then the state comes and takes your kids because you are unable to provide their basic needs. Where would you go? What would you do?


FJB's America!!!!!How do you like it so far?


Silly comment peacock,
One person isn’t responsible for this problem and one person can’t solve it!


Vote for him again then!!!!!!


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