By News-Register staff • 

Board of Commissioners has light agenda this week

The Yamhill County Board of Commissioners has a brief agenda, dealing largely with internal assignments, for its meeting at 10 a.m. Thursday.

The board will vote on a biennial State Transportation Improvement Fund Plan (STIF) for 2025-27 that will focus on improving Yamhill County Transit’s current services, according to Transit Manager Cynthia Thompson.

Through Keep Oregon Moving legislation passed in 2017, the STIF provides money for public transportation through dedicated funds. The majority of the funding locally will be used to maintain core services, according to Thompson.

The board will also continue a discussion on committee liaison assignments from its last meeting and appoint members to the county Parkway Committee.

The board will meet at 10 a.m. on Thursday, Jan. 16, in room 32 of the Yamhill County Courthouse, 535 N.E. Fifth St. The public may attend in person or by Zoom or watch the meeting live-streamed on YouTube. The Zoom link is embedded in the agenda online; the agenda, meeting packet and links to YouTube and an audio recording are located on the county’s meetings webpage at


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