Water & Light, city board positions open
McMinnville residents looking to volunteer their time have several current opportunities, with openings on city boards, the formation of a new advisory committee and a vacancy on the McMinnville Water & Light Board of Commissioners.
MW&L Commissioner Ed Gormley’s term is up at the end of the year and he could either be reappointed or a new commissioner could be chosen under a policy crafted by Mayor Remy Drabkin (who also serves on the commission).
Applicants have until Sept. 3 to apply, and the next commissioner will be appointed by Drabkin. Applicants must be McMinnville residents of at least one year, U.S. citizens and registered voters.
A link to the application can be found on the homepage at mc-power.com.
The city of McMinnville is also looking for applicants for a Housing Production Strategy advisory committee. The production strategy is part of a three-part planning process mandated by state law to identify whether the city will need to expand its Urban Growth Boundary. The committee is expected to begin meeting later this summer, according to city staff.
The city also has openings on the McMinnville Urban Renewal Advisory Committee and Planning Commission. Applications for all the committees are due July 19 and can be found at mcminnvilleoregon.gov/bc.