Rusty Rae/News-Register##
From left, Lisa Springer, Sara Herrera, Javier Ceja and Mariel Ceja stuff the J&S Restorations entry for the McMinnville Downtown Association’s Scarecrows on a Lamp Post” contest. Their scarecrow and 14 others will be on display along Third Street through Halloween.

Rusty Rae/News-Register##Punch Down Pete from R. Stuart & Co. Winery tries to look into the eyes of passersby — something that will tie them to the same fate he suffered, a life of punching down grapes to make wine, or so the legend goes. The scarecrow features a pumpkin head and more pumpkins at its feet.

Rusty Rae/News-Register##With a beaded smile and a big eyes, the scarecrow from Sandy’s Backyard Creations welcomes visitors to the 300 block of Third Street. The stuffed decoration also features a rat skeleton on its shoulder.
Scary – and funny – stuffed shirts
Scarecrows created by various businesses and groups are on display on Third Street in the McMinnville Downtown Association’s annual Scarecrows on a Lamp Post event.
Fifteen entries are included this year.
In one, a pumpkin-headed, barrel-chested scarecrow shows off its skills at winemaking. Another features a woman with her skeletonized pet rat on her shoulder.
The Minions, a Jack-O’-Lantern wearing a COVID mask, witches and other scary and funny creatures also can be seen. Two Dogs Taphouse a block north at Fourth and Evans also has its two-headed dog on display.
Community members can vote for their favorite through Oct. 29 on the MDA website, downtownmcminnville.com. The winner will receive a prize.