(January 7, 1958)##These azalea plants will grace a highway divider by McMinnville Hospital through efforts of Fred Koch of 1745 Progress Ave. Koch began raising the plants eight years ago to beautify McMinnville highways and arranged for them to be placed near the hospital with the belief that they will be “our finest advertisement for the city.” Members of the Men’s Garden Club helped Koch remove the azaleas from his backyard and tie roots in burlap state highway department crews are to plant, water, and mulch the plants. From the left, at front, Arthur Fryer helps Koch uproot a plant as Alec Sherlock and Jim Stinson wrap another in burlap. Watching at rear, from the left, are Perry Willoughby, Lou Parsons, Fern Ramsey, Steve Thomas and Harold Smith.

(January 8, 1958)##Grouped on a fire truck piloted by Chief Ivan Pearson, these Brownies are ready for a ride. They climbed aboard the truck during a tour of the fire station. Fifteen members of the group and one guest were taken on the tour by their leader, Mrs. Rex Haynie. The Memorial School second grade group is a new troop started last October. Co-leaders are Mrs. Russel Neuman and Mrs. R.C. Elofson.

(January 8, 1958)##Gavel of the McMinnville Chamber of Commerce is handed over to Hoyt Reynolds, right, incoming president, by Joe Dancer, retiring president. Reynolds took over leadership of the Chamber during a Monday forum luncheon, first meeting of the new year.

(January 6, 1963)##Pat Miller (left) and Gretchen Davis pose with a turkey made of $1 bills--300 of them. The turkey was made as a display stunt to publicize the fact that Oregon turkey growers have raised their quota in donations to the National Turkey Federation.

(January 7, 1958)##Making initial donation to a March of Dimes coin container, Mrs. Hazel Swinney places a coin in a can held by Police Chief Roy Brixey at Swinney’s Bakery. The container was one of nearly 100 containers and money cards distributed by the police department to McMinnville business firms for donation to the polio fund.

(January 6, 1963)##Famous Pair - Yamhill County’s two distinguished barristers got together at the county courthouse this week for a swearing-in ceremony. Eugene Marsh (left) is president of the Oregon State Bar Association. Judge Arlie Walker has spent more time on the bench than any other judge in the state, some 36 years.
Vintage News-Register: January 10, 2023
Chronicling life in the Yamhill Valley through the generations with the newspaper photo archives.
Joel R
This is an awesome feature. I love these old pictures!
Is there a way to slow the slide show down (or stop it) so that I have time to read the caption and take in all of the detail in the photo?
M. Isaac
I was able to stop the slide show by clicking and holding down on one of the dots below the photo.
Joel R
Thanks Isaac! That did the trick.