Letters to the Editor: Oct. 7, 2022
Selfless service
I am writing this letter on my personal behalf in support of Zack Geary’s candidacy for city council. I do not intend to represent the views of the McMinnville Downtown Association or its board of directors.
I have come to know and work with Zack the past two and a half years. Although my work requires that I interact with Zack on city issues, it’s those things beyond government that make me so appreciate his service.
When the Dine Out(Side) program was launched in the early days of the pandemic, Zack volunteered his time and construction expertise to help assemble the 125 roped stanchions for use by our restaurants to define their on-street dining area -- an OLCC requirement.
He secured a lift truck. Along with his dad, he helped me hang ornamental wooden cut-outs of holly leaves that matched the “Winter on Third” lamppost banners during the holiday season.
Earlier this year, Zack helped attach the Rose Marie Caughran mural to the side of the Grand Ballroom building, across from Harvest Fresh.
There has never been a moment where Zack did not step up and help with an identified project. With volunteerism on decline, in part due to the pandemic, he has always been there to help our community.
Service is at the heart of Zack’s commitment to McMinnville. His positive outlook will continue to bode well for our city.
Dave Rucklos
Deer in distress
My heart is breaking at the sight every few days of an undernourished, limping little deer who keeps its left hind foot lifted and favors its left hip.
The mother and two youngsters emerged from the greenbelt a few months ago, both young ones the same size and looking healthy, with their coat spots fading.
After a short period of not seeing them, I saw the mother come across our street, followed only by a skinny, limping one that was hunching its way behind her, unable to keep up.
At one point, the fawn bolted on three legs, apparently able to run when alarmed. But each time it comes to the street, it looks more pained.
In an attempt to find help, I called Animal Control and was told, “We don’t deal with wildlife.” I called Homeward Bound and was told, “We have no facility for caring for injured animals, and don’t deal at all with wildlife.”
When I called the sheriff’s office, I was told to call Oregon Fish and Game and given a phone number. Fish and Game responded: “We don’t touch any wildlife until it is down. We don’t try to capture moving, even injured wildlife as that is too dangerous.
I said to myself, “So, in this case, we all wait to let the overhead circling carnivores tell us where this arm-sized tiny one is trying to hide under green cover to save itself from being torn to death?”
Now I’m asking myself, what’s with the state of Oregon that it doesn’t have a single lifesaving or treatment facility for injured wildlife? I can name five states that have one in every county.
Hello, Oregon?
Peggy Lutz
Passionate about Mac
I am writing this letter to extend my support and endorsement to Zack Geary for McMinnville City Council.
Zack has proven to be a dedicated public servant. He has served our city well for the last four years.
I have known Zack for more than 15 years. During that time, he has been volunteering for one organization or another with passion and enthusiasm.
Zack is passionate about McMinnville. He takes his role on the city council seriously, and without partisan politics.
I urge you to re-elect Zack to the city council.
Carson Benner
Exceptional opportunity
I attended my first ever political kickoff recently. It was for Yamhill County Commissioner candidate Beth Wytoski.
The event was attended by a surprising variety of social and political people, including a personable, passionate and sophisticated greeter that turned out to be her!
So much more impressed was I after a bit of research that I felt compelled to request some expression of support for Beth be included in the News-Register.
Our future is daunting.
It’s hard to say really what generation is responsible for what history, but clearly, the role of the upcoming generation is nothing short of saving the world. Ancient traditions of battling for domination provide compelling entertainment, even in the news, but are incapable of ensuring the advancement of humankind.
Successful public servants must be of a new breed, and she is one of those we see popping up on our planet.
The initial challenge facing our society must be achievement of a shared feeling of inclusion — a desire to belong to it by its citizens. This appears to be her overall mission, especially through an improved education environment where children know they are cared for by our civilization and have a place in it.
Her effectiveness is miles ahead since she already broadly garners preferences from public servants across many aisles, including former adversaries. She’s just not adversarial in getting things accomplished.
I feel it is an exceptional opportunity for us to get Beth Wytoski serving as a Yamhill County commissioner, and people need to realize it.
Peter Dyrhaug
Aligning with Johnson
In November, Oregon will elect a new governor. Three major candidates are in the running.
One is Democrat Tina Kotek, who this Republican will never vote for. She is a one-issue candidate, and that issue is abortion.
While I am pro-choice, I think Oregon has much bigger problems to deal with. I believe that issue will sort itself out.
Another is Republican Christine Drazan. Being a Republican, I like her and thought I would vote for her.
But hold on. A third person is also seeking this office — Betsy Johnson, a former Democrat now calling herself an independent and referred to as a spoiler.
I thought she would never, ever get my vote, but she has changed my mind. I just watched a debate among the three, and Betsy Johnson’s responses and approach to this office were far above the other two. Her views align with my own views, so she will get my vote in November.
I hope she’s not a Democrat in Independent wolf’s clothing. But I don’t think she is.
Please pay careful attention to the candidate you decide to vote for this November. Some may surprise you, and Oregon’s future depends on it.
Judy Hromyko
Pointing the way
Personal attacks aside, the recent Erickson-Salinas debate can hopefully expose the faulty Salinas plan to rescue us from our economic disaster.
No, Ms. Salinas, we can’t stop inflation by raising the minimum wage, pouring more into government help programs and increasing our reliance on future renewable energy sources.
Your Democrat party policymakers have created the record inflation and gas prices by massive government give-aways and Draconian fossil fuel shutdowns. More of the same will only make the situation worse.
I believe Mike Erickson can help lead us back to affordable energy independence, respect and support for our police, controlled and reformed immigration policies and return of the personal liberties under attack from the federal government — that and take the necessary steps to reduce crime.
As Ms. Salinas has shown in her political ads, if you can’t win on the issues, attack your opponent.
Steve Wozniak
Dog park problems
I’m a regular visitor to the city’s Riverside Drive dog park.
Last winter, before Christmas, I joined other volunteers in spending about two days distributing hog fuel on the park’s upper level. Hog fuel consists of stringy fibrous material that absorbs water like a sponge, thus facilitates drainage.
The upper level had originally been covered with bark dust. For some reason, the Parks Department figured this inexpensive fire hazard stuff was good enough for an area that doesn’t drain at all during the rainy season due to its impermeable clay surface.
But bark dust turns the area into a bacteria, virus and giardia-infested morass. And at best, dogs and owners get wet, dirty and cold, which is unacceptable.
This week, another huge mound of this insufferable stuff was dumped in the park. The department wants us to spread it around, increasing our displeasure.
I’ve asked the Parks Department to consider leaving the large lower grassy area open through the rainy season, but was told it gets torn up and turns muddy.
Actually, the only portion that gets really muddy is the lower-lying 20%, which could be graveled. The other 80% is on a slope.
For those of you with similar concerns, I ask you to contact the operations staff at 503-434-7316.
Paul Timmer
An advocate for Mac
I’ve known Zack Geary and his family for more than a decade. Native to McMinnville, he attended Mac schools and the University of Oregon before returning to Mac as an area builder and small business owner.
He has always been a strong advocate for his home, the city of McMinnville. Whenever the city has asked for volunteers, he has been first in line.
He has a business-person’s understanding of the city and has always been an advocate for jobs as well as music and parks. In fact, he has served on the McMinnville Downtown Association and McMinnville Planning Commission, helping businesses succeed.
As a city councilor for almost four years now, he has pushed for parks, open spaces and overhaul of the aquatic and community center. He has always advocated for music in our city, as a co-organizer of the Walnut City Music Festival and organizer of Concerts on the Plaza.
If you want someone focused on getting things done and making McMinnville business-friendly, while keeping McMinnville the beautiful, safe and livable community we expect, Zack has and will continue to balance those elements. He has shown an aptitude for engagement and governing in the best interest of the community.
If you want to know what is going on in McMinnville, just ask Zack.
McMinnville is a great and vibrant community. Let’s keep it that way.
I’m voting Zack for Mac.
John Linder
Moral obligation
I read with interest the climate change report in the Sunday Oregonian of 9/18, “Hunger rising in world’s worst climate hot spots.” The article referred to a Washington Post article by Karina Tsui, tying the occurrence of extreme hunger to the countries that are most vulnerable to climate change.
Climate disasters are now outpacing poor person’s ability to cope. As a result, many affected populations are on the brink of starvation.
The article indicated industrialized nations appear most responsible for the climate crisis, but countries that are least responsible suffer the most. It pointed out that industrialized nations are responsible for nearly 80% of global emissions, thus have a moral responsibility to compensate the low-income countries most impacted.
An Oxfam International calls this a moral obligation, not charity.
As an industrialized country, we need to show more concern about the effects of climate change and be more proactive in bringing about positive change. Inequities in our food and energy systems need to addressed first.
Janet DeWith