Carlton revels in holiday fun for families - Copy 1

Yamhill-Carlton Elementary School students visited a “Winter Wonderland” Friday night, and many of them received personal visits from Carlton police officers Saturday as the Christmas season continues in Carlton.
Families walked through the wonderland set up in the school parking lot, visiting a popcorn booth, police and firetrucks resplendent with lights, and a booth hosted by Principal Amanda Dallas, where they could pick up a copy of “Merry Christmas, Stinky Face,” some candy and a packet of hot chocolate.
Greeting families were Mrs. Claus and Santa, played by school secretary Kelli Fletcher and her husband, Don. And families filled the library to pick out gifts at the YCES book fair, too.
Naqiyah and Zayden Tamez, for instance, led their parents past the tables full of tempting books, some of which included replicas of dinosaur teeth or materials for experiments. Naqiyah picked out “The Christmas Pig,” and her little brother chose “Into the Game!” from FGTeeV series.
The book fair was perfect for students such as Naqiyah, who said, “I like reading.”
Her brother, too. “I love reading,” Zayden said.
On Saturday, despite the stormy weather, Carlton police officers conducted their annual Santa Patrol through town. They stopped at dozens of home to present stuffed animals and candy to youngsters.
It’s a way of building relationships with children and families, police said.
Students and other community residents will be able to take part in the Carlton Business Association’s “Santa Dash” on Saturday, Dec. 18.
Both a 5K run and an Elf 1-mile run for children will start at 9:30 a.m. from the soccer area on Monroe Street. Participating is free. Hot chocolate will be provided.
For more information, visit the Christmas in Carlton Facebook page.