Water damage interrupts servers, delays delivery of News-Register
The Tuesday, Sept. 10, issue of the News-Register will be delivered in the mail to subscribers one day late.
Water damage to the downtown office’s server room following a heavy rain storm about noon Monday left the newspaper without access to its editorial processing programs until late in the evening. By the time the servers were repaired and operational, it was too late to paginate, process and print the publication in time for Tuesday delivery.
Staff returned Tuesday morning to complete the issue as soon as possible. The e-edition was been posted online Tuesday afternoon, along with web versions of the news, sports and community articles. The print edition will be delivered to stands Tuesday evening and be in the mail for subscribers on Wednesday.
The NR staff sincerely apologizes for the inconvenience.
Oh no....So sorry for your troubles. That is never a good thing, electronics and water. I hope the leak is fixed and things are drying out now.
Ossie Bladine
Thanks Buford. Everything dried out and was operational this morning, luckily avoiding major lasting damage (knock on wood). The Tuesday issue is on the presses now and the e-edition is loaded.
Ossie Bladine