Thrill of Christmas season brings peace and goodwill
[The following was published by the editorial staff of the Telephone-Register on Dec. 19, 1923.]
There seems to be two dominant things at Christmas time. First is the universal kindness, which is expressed by good will toward men and the renewed feeling of brotherhood and love for all. Then again there comes that inward joy, which is derived, not from receiving, but from the giving. From this comes a peace of mind and gladness, which cannot be equaled. It has been said that “The earth has grown old with its burden of care, but at Christmas time it always is young.” With each recurring Yuletide people always like to hear again that story of the first Christmas and the joy and gladness it brought and meant to mankind.
Turning to that greatest of all books, we find the account of the trip of Mary and Joseph from their home city of Gallilee to the City of David to enroll and be taxed according to the custom of the time. They wend their way to the inn; but find no room there. Probably they tried other places; but to no avail and at last they were forced to seek shelter in the stable. There in a lowly manger, Christ the Lord was born.
Then the narrator continues, “And there were shepherds in the same country abiding in the field, and keeping watch by night over their flock. And an angel of the Lord stood by them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them; and they were sore afraid. And the angel said unto them, Be not afraid; for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy which shall be to all the people; for there is born to you this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. And this is the sign unto you: Ye shall find a babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, and lying in a manger.
And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying, Glory to God in the highest, And on earth peace among men in whom he is well pleased.”
The story of the first Christmas is told again and in silence people think of the wonderful message it contains for each one. The story is so wonderful and so filled with joy and gladness that it never grows old. “Peace on earth” and “I give you a Savior from sin and misery,” great comfort may be found in these words. Although the world may be torn asunder by war, suffering may be found on every hand, there comes these words from God the Father to comfort, strengthen and help through all trials and troubles. From these comes a spirit of peace and good will toward all and a gladness for the things, which have happened in the past and a new resolve to do more for God and humanity in the future.
It has been most fittingly said:
“The love in our hearts toward our fellow men; the happy, expectant, gay eagerness of children and their joyous, merry voices; the pure, white, soft beauty of snow; the deeply refreshing aroma of the forests which for a brief period we bring into our homes; the cheer of the home fireplace; the bringing together of all members of the family; the gaiety and teh enthusiasm of Christmas shoppers; the stores, decorated and looking their best in holiday attire; the cordial, heartfelt greetings which are extended to us and which we extend to others; the renewing of old time friendships by the sending of a bright Christmas card; the generosity in our souls toward all; the carols which ring out the Christmas spirit or ardent worship; the bright, significant stars twingling down from the heavens above; the simplicity and the beauty of the Christmas season; all form a part of the great Christmas thrill. There is no thrill in the world like unto it!”
The magic of the Christmas season has cast its influence over the world during this part of the year changing the commonplace into things of beauty and gladness. The earth is being filled with joy and happiness, where darkness held forth a few short days ago. Into the hearts of all at this time, there comes that something, which raises all above the petty quarrels and selfish actions to a higher and nobler plain of living. The selfishness has been buried in the attempt to make others happy at this time and so all find greater happiness in doing for others and in performing some service for their friends and neighbors. It does seem that the more we give ourselves in love, service and in thoughtfulness of others, the more joy and gladness we feel ourselves. Let us then let the magic of the glad Christmas season fall upon us in such a way so that it will stay with us through all time and keep us all on this higher plain of living for service.
We wish for each one a most joyous and glad Christmas season. May the joy, gladness and peace that passeth all understanding reign in the hearts of all and may there be “peace on earth and good will toward men.”