Cordie's mother declines diversion opportunity

The charges are Class A misdemeanors.
Yamhill County Deputy District Attorney Benjamin Donner told Judge John Collins at that time that the prosecution will object to Weathers being eligible for the diversion program because there was a young child in the vehicle, Cordie's 3-year-old daughter.
Wiles said this was Weathers' last chance to enter into the diversion program, and Todd said that was understood, and he wanted the case placed on a future docket.
Weathers will be back in court at 9:30 a.m. Thursday, Dec. 6.
Todd said there is a voluminous amount of discovery associated with the case, and there is more to obtain.
While out of custody, Weathers is prohibited from consuming alcohol and can have no contact with Cordie’s daughter, who is being cared for by her father.
See Friday's News-Register for additional details.
She's gonna skate on this entire ordeal! They can't prove her BAC
They should still be able to convict her of reckless endangering. However, that hardly seems to do a case of this magnitude justice.
It appears that she recklessly caused a death, left the scene without rendering aid and refused to cooperate with an investigation into her daughter's mysterious disappeance. If so, she should be doing hard time in the pen, in my view.
I agree Steve, even if she was convicted of both charges, still nothing compared to what she deserves.
I heard on the news the judge DENIED her diversion???? But all the news stories imply she rejected it. "Wiles said this was Weathers' last chance to enter into the diversion program"
Paul Daquilante
myopinion . . .
The defense attorney, Walter Todd, told Judge Wiles, "We will not petition for diversion." Judge Wiles accepted the request not to petition for diversion. He did not deny the diversion. In essence, she did reject the opportunity to enter the diversion program.
And it was her final chance to take advantage of diversion.
She could enter a plea at her her next court appearance in early December.
Paul Daquilante/reporter
One fewer Mother's Day card to buy.