
Letters to the Editor: April 27, 2018

Give her a chance

Your letter of endorsement for Mary Starrett clearly shows your adoration of her, so much so that you likened her to Mother Teresa.

Really? Starrett may show concern for public service, but does she do so in the humble and deeply compassionate way of this blessed saint? I have to wonder if you were truly attentive to all that Chelsey Williams conveyed about her vision and plans for our county, or did you already have your minds made up before talking with Chelsey?

It is my hope that the citizens of Yamhill County will devote the time necessary to learn how Williams will affect the welfare of each community in our county. From her vast knowledge of the diverse and integral parts that make county government run efficiently to her compassion for every voice to be heard, as well as her determination to make some positive changes that will enhance the growth of our local economy, Chelsey truly deserves to be heard and taken seriously.

Ballots will be mailed next week, which allows very little time to compare and consider each candidate. Yet, our county’s best interest lies in the hands, the hearts and the minds of the voters in this upcoming election on May 15.

Liz Marlia-Stein



A fair judge

I write in support of Lisl Miller for Circuit Court Judge.

I first met Miller 25 years ago in law school where she was a student with a strong work ethic and high academic standards. I was happy when, about 10 years later, Miller joined me as a deputy district attorney for Yamhill County. Our county immediately benefited from her strong courtroom skills.

As an experienced lawyer and prosecutor, Miller looked at facts and law from all sides. Like a judge, she weighed evidence both in favor and against criminal suspects. I know that she values justice and will protect victims of crime. She will also protect personal liberties. Lisl Miller has always brought high ethical standards and integrity to a courtroom.

Sam Justice



County well-served

Thank you, Stan Primozich. I have had the pleasure of a great working relationship with Commissioner Primozich through the Association of Oregon Counties.

Stan works with me at the Capitol as co-chair of AOC’s veterans committee. We share common goals on the transportation and legislative committees. Commissioner Primozich listens well and brings thoughtful and considered opinions when necessary to represent Yamhill County interests.

He is not one to talk just to hear his own voice. Yamhill County is well-served to have Stan Primozich continue to step up in public service.

Rod Runyon

Wasco County commissioner


Vote for public safety

After 10 years of planning and recommendations from a citizens’ advisory committee, Carlton is asking residents to approve a bond measure to build a new public safety facility. The current offices for our city police consist of two rooms carved out from city hall.

There is barely any space to interview witnesses, victims or suspects — especially not at the same time. I’ve seen more secure family garages and storage sheds than the facilities for holding evidence or stolen property and police weapons. Carlton police, along with the volunteer fire department, are our first responders in times of emergency.

Several years ago, Carlton citizens said we wanted our own police department because we wanted officers we knew and trusted. We have that now, and it’s our responsibility to provide them with a safe, efficient area in which to do their job.

This building is projected to be used for 50 or more years. With bond approval will also come the ability to access other funding for building a new, also badly needed, city hall.

We all appreciate the great quality of life we have in Carlton.

Linda Watkins



Ditch the trail

I am writing this letter as an endorsement of Jason Yates for the position of Yamhill County commissioner.

Jason Yates is the only candidate running who opposes the commitment of millions of our tax dollars to build a bike path through 17 miles of our family farms without a public vote.

Building bike paths through farm fields will impede farmers’ ability to spray their crops and grow our food. Dedicating millions of tax dollars to build bike paths that less then 1 percent of the population will actually use when rent and the cost of living is already a struggle for most Yamhill families is just irresponsible.
I grew up in Dayton and Yamhill County has been my home for most of my life. Let’s not allow the other candidates to turn it into another version of Multnomah County.

Please join me for a fiscally responsible Yamhill County.

Joe Jumalon



Man of the people

After teaching in Dayton and at Chemeketa, I‘ve seen many rural concerns and heard needs not represented by the current board of commissioners.

Casey Kulla connects with my awareness. As a former candidate for state representative, I know what it takes to reach out to individuals and groups to become known. Casey does this. Working on local farms and canneries for 20 summers, I’ve learned how vital preparation and planning are to succeed.

Casey does this with his community-service agriculture. For three years, we’ve met Casey at his truck or a storage shed and now their own store. I’m impressed with his ability to greet people, listen and react to their opinions or issues.

Casey Kulla is a man of the people who is needed for Yamhill County commissioner!

Tim Duerfeldt



Build now, save later

More than a year ago, I was asked to serve on a citizens’ advisory committee to review the workspace and functionality requirements for the buildings housing Carlton’s general government and police department.

Our committee worked with city staff, city council and outside professionals to understand the workplace requirements, evaluate potential solutions and recommend a path forward. We concluded that Carlton police facilities are unsafe, substandard and inefficient, and that public safety should be the top priority for action.

The committee followed a comprehensive process to analyze options and alternatives to address the deficiencies. After considering a wide range of possible solutions, construction of a new public safety building, funded by a bond measure, was recommended as the best long-term strategy to address the shortcomings.

The police department’s needs are real and demand immediate attention. The potential liability from the insecure work environment should concern all Carlton residents. The recommended approach is the result of countless hours of deliberation by nearly forty local participants in a year-long process.

It’s worth noting that two outstanding bonds affecting Carlton property taxes will be fully paid off in 2021 and 2026. The current property tax impact from the 2021 bond is greater than the projected cost of the public safety bond. So, as these two old bonds expire, Carlton property taxes will decline, even with the addition of the public safety bond.

I’m supporting this bond measure on the May ballot because Carlton police should have the necessary resources to do their jobs safely and efficiently. As the protectors of our community, we owe them nothing less.

Patrick J. Swanick



Building makes sense

Earlier this year I took a ride-along with the Carlton Police Department (which I would recommend to any city resident) and came away with two strong impressions: One was of the good work the officers in the department do. The second was the poor conditions in which they have to do it.

The department lacks proper spaces for people and materials. It doesn’t have appropriate space for incoming people (suspects, witnesses, victims) when that’s needed. Simply, there isn’t enough room in the department’s office area.

The storage spaces for equipment, supplies and evidence may be about the right size, but they’re not well made and not as secure as they should be, and cases and personal safety could be at some risk. These areas could be made more secure and safe only with a new building.

Building a new structure for Carlton law enforcement isn’t cheap. Public buildings with secure sections cost more to build per square foot than, say, a house. However, it is affordable. It is much more affordable than the aftermath of what could happen, in a worst case, at the department’s offices now.
It’s an easy cost-benefit calculation.

Randy Stapilus



Both right and left

The upcoming election will include voting for two people to serve as our representatives to the county commission. That body makes a lot of decisions affecting how your tax dollars will provide what they think is the best service to Yamhill County.

I am a relative newcomer to McMinnville. My husband and I moved here almost five years ago. In that time, we have gotten involved with activities in the area, including the McMinnville Cooperative Ministry’s Saturday Morning Breakfast, CWISH (the former emergency winter shelter program) and Zero Waste McMinnville.

In addition, we have gotten to know many in the local farming community and started a business, Can-Do Real Food, where we obtain farmers’ surplus produce, providing them an extra income stream and permitting interested consumers a way to eat local food year-round while reducing food waste. It is through this farmer connection that I first became aware of Oakhill Organics and met members of the family.

Casey Kulla, like most farmers, presents a mixed political appearance. He is liberal, and he is conservative. What do I mean? As a liberal, he pays attention to what the people need. As a conservative, he is very aware of how people’s actions affect our environment and works to keep this area as beautiful and unspoiled as possible.

As I age and become one of the “gray hairs,” it has become interesting watching younger people step up to assume positions of leadership. In my experience, some have been grand talkers, exuding confidence but then falling flat. My lack of learning about their past to determine if they have the education and experience has been a fault I bear.

However, in this case, Casey Kulla has the education and experience that proves he is capable of helping lead our county. He has proven to be a good listener, able to reconcile consequences of proposed actions, and is determined to successfully solve the issues at hand.

Voting is easy here in Oregon. Do not ignore your right and responsibility to be a good citizen.

Beth Rankin



The wrong firearms

How ironic it is to see students around the country commemorating the anniversary of the Columbine massacre by walking out of school to attend demonstrations, demanding regulations on so-called “assault rifles.”

If these students had actually studied the tragic events at Columbine High School, they would know that most of the victims were killed or wounded with politically correct shotguns. Perhaps these students have spent too much time watching cartoons of Elmer Fudd strolling through the woods brandishing his trusty double-barrel shotgun as he cautions the audience, “Be vewy quiet, I’m hunting wabbits” to understand how profoundly more lethal than an AR-15 a shotgun can be.

If these students had been taught critical thinking skills, they might actually peruse the crime statistics compiled by the FBI, which reveal that the number and percentage of homicides committed in America with rifles of any type have been on a steep downward trend for decades.

Rifles of any type are used to commit less than 3 percent of all homicides. Ironically, the FBI’s more detailed Supplementary Homicide Reports reveal that most of the people killed with assault rifles are shot by the police.

If these protesting students are truly concerned about their safety, perhaps they should protest a recent ruling by Yamhill County Judge Ladd Wiles who gave a marijuana bootlegger a free pass for shooting at his neighbor’s children with his trusty, 12-gauge shotgun.

With this insane pronouncement, Wiles effectively declared open season on everyone in Yamhill County. David Trivelpeace, who was gunned downed outside of Zippy’s Pizza only a few days later, was only the first victim.

James Crawford




Sam Justice - Thank you, and well said! I couldn't agree more!!! She has my vote!


James Crawford - FBI UCR data also shows that hands, fists and feet kill over 2x as many people per year than rifles. Guess we need to ban hands, fists and feet or make people register them as "lethal (assault) weapons."


A display like theirs is not akways about the single incident. Actrend of using the ar-15 assault weapon in mass shootings appears to be a trend. Yes, anything can kill but the weapon used in the majority of the latest shootings is specifically designed to get as high a body count as possible. The concept to to find a way to reduce the mortality rate and reduce the number of incidents as well. Watching an interview with a doctor treating shooting victims from the last shooting I've learned how much damage a shot from this rifle does. Not a simple entrance and exit wound. The weapon is designed to make the projectile cause as much damage as possible. So I stand with them in wanting to see a reinstatement of the ban on this weapon. When fully implemented all would eventually be recovered so none will be available legally or illegally.

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