Svenson honored for crisis intervention work
Yamhill County Sheriff Tim Svenson and Marion County District Attorney Walt Beglau are recipients of the 2017 Crisis Intervention Training Executive of the Year award.
The seventh annual Northwest CIT Training Conference was held in Bend.
Crisis Intervention Training is designed to create awareness and teach techniques for dealing with individuals experiencing a mental health crisis.
Svenson said it was a great honor to spend time with so many professionals from across the Northwest who share the same passion for CIT.
He was recognized for his commitment to mental health intervention over the last 10 years as a member of the sheriff's office, Capt. Chris Ray said.
"It was humbling to be recognized with this award," Svenson said. "The true recognition goes to my staff, who daily, work hard alongside crisis outreach specialists to divert those individuals in crisis from our facility."
See Tuesday's print edition for additional details.
What the?
If this article is some kind of joke, it's really not that funny. Those were real people, in real crisis, who died on his watch.