By News-Register staff • 

Willamina solicits input on sewer, water rate increases

WILLAMINA - The Willamina City Council will hold a public hearing at 6 p.m. Tuesday at the West Valley Fire District main station to hear citizen input on a proposed 20 percent increase in water rates and a three percent sewer rate increase that would take effect with the June 16-July 15 billing cycle.

The proposal would increase the base rate for water for a residential customer by $5.26 and increase the commodity rate by 63 cents per 100 cubic feet per month, in addition to increasing the sewer rate by $1.73 a month. There would also be a utility fee increase of 50 cents to each residential customer.

The revised pay structure would increase the total from $89.63 to $97.76 a month.

These rate increases are necessary to meet the operating costs of these utilities and to make required payments on outstanding loans for previous system improvements.

The city is forced to adjust certain charges associated with providing treated water to its customers.  The increased costs of providing services exceed the revenues expected under the city's current water rate structure.

Consequently, the purpose of the proposed increase is to provide for the operation and maintenance cost increases due to inflation, increased regulatory costs and increased cost of supplies, services, labor and benefits.

For information, call the city at 503-876-2242, or go to A breakdown of the increases is provided on the city's website.



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