By News-Register staff • 

Mock crash sends important message: Drive safely

YAMHILL -- Students at Yamhill-Carlton High School received an unforgettable lesson Friday morning: A mock crash, complete with classmates dripping fake blood, reminded them to drive safely.

Yamhill and Carlton police and fire agencies set up the event, called SKID, or Stop Kids Intoxicated Driving.

The police, firefighters and medics said they would rather spend their time doing a demonstration like this than answering a real call involving the communities' young people.

Macy & Son sent a hearse to the scene at the Y-C High football stadium. The state coronor's office and a Life Flight helicopter also arrived, adding to the realistic experience.

The local agencies perform the SKID event every two years or so. Students volunteer to pretend they were involved in the crash.

This year, for the first time, parents and community members were invited to watch, as well.



My congratulations to the police, fire and other professionals for this event. What a valuable example for our young kids to learn from and experience before their very eyes. Drunk driving, as well as, distracted and drowsy driving are also important issues to emphasize when teaching kids to be safe. Kids think they are invincible. We have way too many road accidents in Yamhill county and any time professionals take the time to educate our kids with a program like this is a job well done indeed.


Please feel free to look at additional photos on the Yamhill Fire Protect District and the Carlton Fire District Facebook pages.

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