Letters to the Editor: April 15, 2016
He does what he says
As a former Yamhill County commissioner, I follow what is going on at the county. Commissioner Allen Springer is running for his second term, and I plan to vote for him.
Three things come to mind as I make this decision.
First, he promised to be fiscally conservative and has done just that. He is a good steward of county fund decisions. In my opinion, we have one of the very best-administered counties in the state.
Second, Springer is a man of integrity. I know I can depend on him to do as he says. Third, I have tracked his efforts to be a commissioner for all of Yamhill County, and he has accomplished that as well.
Dennis Goecks
Prepare for future
McMinnville School District officials go before voters this May to ask them to approve a school bond. The bond would not increase tax rates above the current rate of $2.80 per $1,000 of assessed value, because of to a bond that ends this year. Included in the May bond are many safety and structural improvements for all of the school buildings in the district, including seismic upgrades, improvements which will lower the district’s energy costs and more. The plan also includes the building of a Career Pathway/Vocational Technical Center on the high school campus. The new facility would house manufacturing, fabrication, engineering, construction and horticulture labs -- focusing on high-wage jobs that are in high demand in the mid-valley.
For zero-net increase in the tax rate, we can provide the youth of McMinnville and Lafayette with a 21st-century education that will prepare them for college and careers, while also addressing a workforce need to fill high-wage jobs.
We can and should prepare all students for college, but we must also recognize that not every student will pursue that path. Some will enroll in community college trade certificate programs. Others will enter the workforce. It is our responsibility as a community to make sure that every student who graduates from McMinnville High is prepared for what comes next.
Maria Stuart
A refreshing change
As a citizen of Yamhill County, I am proud to endorse Rick Olson for county commissioner. Rick’s dedication and experience as a community leader shows his commitment to the best interests of the people of this county.
On several occasions, I have attended McMinnville town hall meetings. I have noted how welcoming and open the atmosphere is under Rick’s leadership. Rick and the McMinnville City Council members have listened to a diversity of points of view and were always respectful, even when there was disagreement. Rick showed genuine interest in each citizen and asked intelligent questions to better understand issues presented.
Rick can bring a refreshing change of openness, inclusiveness and fairness to the Yamhill County commissioners. It will be McMinnville’s loss to lose him as mayor, but the county’s gain when he is elected to the Yamhill County commissioners.
Emily Kerrigan
No party? No choice
As Oregon has a closed primary system, there are many voters who will be disappointed to find that their choice for president is not on their ballot.
For instance, many of our young voters who are registered as “non-affiliated” with a party and who support Bernie Sanders will not have the opportunity to vote for him unless they have re-registered as Democrats.
In fact, there are other Bernie supporters who are Republican or Independent who will not be eligible to cast their votes for Sen. Sanders unless they re-register as a Democrat.
In a closed-primary system, it is crucial for voters to be certain that their registration is current with their correct name and address and the party affiliation for which they choose to vote.
Even if you think you know how you are registered, double-check with the county clerk’s office at 503-434-7518. The deadline to make any changes is April 26 -- less than two weeks away.
An easy website to register or re-register is oregonvotes.org, or you can obtain a hard copy of the form from the clerk’s office. Voters who wish to change back to their original party affiliation can definitely do so after the election is over.
This election is not only vital to our national leaders but for our state and local leaders, too. So please, make every effort to learn about all of the candidates and issues that appear on your ballot. Every voice should be heard and can make a significant difference ... truly!
Liz Marlia-Stein
Don Dix
@ Liz Stein -- Not to mention an underlying political motive never publicized. The more new Ds registered from the ranks of the IP and the non-affiliated, the more likely the chance that the new Independent Party will be relegated to minor status once again. Two 'birds' with one stone (pun intended)!
Question -- would the odds of an R favoring Bernie be about the same as a D wishing to vote for Donald? Likely!