By Nicole Montesano • Staff Writer • 

Mac woman arrested for shooting two dogs

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My God,this is one VET i will never go to.POS


What a disgusting piece of crap! This woman should never be allowed to be around any animals. What causes a person to be so hateful? Shoot first, and then tell the neighbor, oh yeah, I killed your dog as payback, and for the fun of it. Sounds like she definitely didn't need to do this and easily could have let the second dog live, she shot from 60+ feet away and killed the second dog for coming over to see what happened to its companion. What a gutless piece of crap!! Crush her husbands practice! What disgusting things has he done to animals? She needs to suffer consequences for her actions!


What a sad story this is. After reading this I realize just how lucky I am to have great neighbors along our road. We look out for each other and we certainly would pick up the phone and call first if there was a problem with someone's pet. I hope she will be made to pay damages to the neighbor in addition to paying for her crime.


Very sad. But never forget that their are always two sides to every story. Might be a good idea to withhold judgement and refrain from calling her a "gutless piece of crap" until you've had a chance to hear both sides of the story. That's what a court of law is for.
If it turns out that the facts are exactly as presented in this article, I too am in favor of her facing stern consequences. But for now, just settle down and let the legal process proceed.


What might be her side of the story to justify this sadistic behavior? As she stated, the dogs were not threatening her. I'll bet she would have changed her response if it were possible.
What a coldblooded piece of work.


Joel2828, the only side of the story presented here is Mrs. Wood's. The events are described entirely by her and from her POV as she explained her actions and the reasoning behind them. What other side are you looking for?

That said, I took my dog to Dr. Wood on Tuesday, not knowing anything about this, and he was just as kind and gentle as ever. It's been my experience that he's a fine doctor and my young German shepherd loves him, despite the number of times he's had to do things she didn't care for. (Not sadistic things, just doctoring.) Rushing to condemn him and destroy practice because of his wife's actions is ridiculous. I hope we have been sense than to rush to judgment on someone who's not even involved.

Murphy Denise

The article said the dogs had killed her cat previously. If I thought someone's dogs killed my pet I would be furious at my neighbor's insensitivity to let their animals run free and onto my property. Furthermore, this didn't occur at some little postage stamp yard in the city - it was out in the country. So the neighbor presumably also had ample space to keep their animals on their own property. Dr Wood is a fantastic and very caring vet. I wouldn't go to any other.


"Without making any attempt to shoo away the dogs, contact their owners or call 911, Wood took her own dog inside and retrieved a .270 hunting rifle. She then knelt down and shot one of the dogs from a distance of about 66 feet, killing it."

According to the article she had three lawful options that she could have used and one unlawful choice....she chose the unlawful one. It looks like she let her anger get the best of her. Now she will suffer the consequences.


So .....I guess her actions didn't bring her cat back.....


Reading the article, she doesn't appear to be angry as much as icily vicious and calculating; someone you wouldn't turn your back on.


Dang that's crazy


The most irritating part of this story for me is, she made no attempt to get the dogs to leave. I can only guess a warning shot wasn't enough for Nicole. It most likely would have made the dogs run off and would have made it more difficult to get in a 'kill shot'. Seems like she never intended to do anything but kill the dogs. Disgusting! I'm so thankful she is not a neighbor of mine.


I used to live next door to someone who let his Rottweiler run free. In the beginning, the dog came onto my land and chased my dogs and cats. I complained to the dog’s owner and got nowhere. There was only one way in and out of my property so I had to pass by the unrestrained animal if I even wanted to walk down the road with my dog on his leash. After a couple of menacing episodes, the Rottweiler actually attacked us while out for a walk. There was blood and trauma. We managed to escape, went straight home, and called our awesome animal controls folks who responded immediately. The neighbor was warned, forced to confine his dog, and he knew that ONE more incident would have serious consequences, financially as well as for the life of his dog. Didn’t do much for neighborly relations, but it did resolve the issue.

This was not a dog problem, it was the fault of irresponsible humans. It is very disturbing that two dogs are dead when there could have been a humane and effective alternative. I hope everyone has learned something from this terrible tragedy so it isn’t just one more sad story.


I am curious to see the outcome.
I am really tired of being fearful of threatening roaming dogs with clueless owners when Yamhill county ordinances specify fence or leash laws. I have to carry pepper spray because some of my neighbors think nothing of the laws.
I support the vet, who is a US veteran. He is amazing.
Not taking care of your pets, aka letting them roam free and cause havoc is against the laws of the county and nature.


woodsnwind - "Not taking care of your pets, aka letting them roam free and cause havoc is against the laws of the county and nature."

That doesn't mean you can take the law into your own hands and kill the animal. As I understand it, you can shoot to kill an animal that is threatening you or your livestock. According to the shooter's own words, these dogs were not attacking anything.

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