Essure - Permanent Contraception

When your family is completed, there is permanent birth control now available as an in-office procedure. Tubal occlusion, or blockage, is created by the healing power of your own body reacting to the placement of a small coil with polyester fibers inside. The entire procedure takes less than 15 minutes and one can quickly resume their normal activities with minimal down time.

To improve visualization, pretreatment of the lining of the uterus is done with the use of hormone therapy. And after the procedure, another form of contraception is required until the confirmatory hysterosalpingogram documents that both tubes have become occluded and will no longer allow passage of sperm.

Once blockage is confirmed, essure is 99.83% Effective – that is significantly better than any other form of tubal ligation. Over half a million women have received and rely on essure for contraception. Essure does not contain hormones. There is no general anesthesia required for the procedure. The hysteroscopic camera allows you to watch the procedure if you so desire. There are no incisions and pain during and after the procedure is usually minor / easily controlled.

Some or all of the costs of the essure procedure and followup confirmation are covered by most insurance providers. Your cost may be as low as the usual co-pay for an office visit. The providers at women’s health care are happy to discuss this procedure as well as other contraception options with you. Call us today for an appointment at 503-435-2020

Paid Advertising Column By Kay E. Case, M.D.
Physician and Surgeon, Women's Health Care


Ragnar Lothbrok

"The use of contraception will lead to the lowering of respect for women; husbands will regard their wives as mere instruments to serve their own desires. Thirdly, the use of artificial methods of contraception, will be a dangerous tool in the hands of government or public 'authorities' who care little about the moral law, and who may force the use of contraceptives on everyone." Does your husband love you enough to just hold you tonight?

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