By Nicole Montesano • Staff Writer • 

Commissioners demand input in economic development hire

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The commissioners must have a big donor or a family member that can fill the spot…. Applications & resumes optional.


If she treats the interviewee like she treats staff they will get up and run.

Rich B

More micro-managing - what a surprise! - Val B.


It is entirely inappropriate to have an elected commissioner sit in on these interviews, especially Berschauer, who exempted herself from the anti-bullying and anti-discrimination policies so she can be allowed to bully staff. If Huffer allows this, the corruption and nepotism will escalate as they control hirings from here on out. Good luck to county staff at that point and the rest of us will be underserved as a result. Bully bosses do not attract quality applicants, just political allies.


I agree that it's such an important position it's not completely unheard of for an elected official to be involved. As long as it doesn't turn into hiring a donor or relative (like the Parks board fiasco), I think it's a good thing to make sure the person hired is aligned with the direction of the commission.


It would make sense except that isn't how the county structure is setup. Commissioners hire admin and legal. They aren't supposed to meddle with operations. They are intended to set budgets and policy. They aren't supposed to handpick staff and bully those they don't like. And that's what this opens the door to.


"Thanks so much for coming in to interview for this position. Just one final question, whom did you vote for in the last election?"


"Commissioners demand" - of course they do. They demand to plant their own like-minded, rightwing hacks into positions for which they have no qualifications. This Board of Commissioners is not right for Yamhill County and I hope we can elect better next time around.


Today’s development sure makes all of this make sense. I wonder if they knew who they wanted to hire during this conversation.

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