Information sought related to explosive devices
McMinnville Police are investigating two recent incidents involving what appear to be homemade explosive devices.
The first incident occurred about 3:15 a.m. Sunday, July 24, in the southwest part of town.
During that incident an explosive device was tossed out of a moving vehicle and subsequently exploded, causing damage to some nearby vehicles and a residence. No one was injured during this incident.
The second incident occurred two days later when an unexploded device was found in the driveway of a residence in the northwest part of town.
The police department is seeking the community’s assistance with obtaining any video surveillance footage related to the incident on July 24.
If you have not already been contacted by the police, and you live anywhere in the southwest residential area contained within the boundaries of West Second Street, Southwest Hill Road, Southwest Fellows Street and Southwest Cypress Street, and you have video footage of any dark-colored vehicle driving past your residence between 3 and 3:30 a.m., call the Yamhill Communications Agency non-emergency number at 503-434-6500 and ask to speak with an on-duty patrol supervisor. Reference case No. 22-2658.
Bill B
Don't understand why it took 4 days for Mac PD to alert the public and that only by a Facebook post.
Bill B, exactly! Note to Mac Police: If someone is chucking bombs out of their car window in our town WE'D ALL LIKE TO KNOW THAT ASAP! Encrypted comms are now leaving us all in the dark about what's really going on in our town. Maybe we could have helped the police out with any video evidence a whole lot sooner had we all known this was happening?
David Bates
Still don't understand why we had to lose Yamco Watch. It appeared to be run responsibly purely in the interest of public safety. Learning about something like this four days after the fact, in a city of Mac's size, is insane. Mac PD could have enlisted literally thousands of witnesses all over the city in the hours following the first incident and the perpetrators might already have been identified.
Bill B
I know the word "transparency" is being overly used, but I can't think of another word that should be included in Mac PD's mission statement. I know their response will be that they are producing a periodic report of their activities, but it is not informative as to current events. There are communication means available to keep the public aware. Many police departments are using an online service known as NIXLE to provide alerts such as accidents, crimes, traffic issues etc.
Ron Skidmore
Is the burned out car in Winco's park lot related to the other explosive devices?
Steve Pearson
Yamhill County Alerts sent ‘active threat, shelter in place alert’ today, Saturday, at 11:12 a.m. for situation on Mt Mazama St, just west of these homemade bomb incidents. We signed up for these alerts a couple years ago, probably most of our neighbors did as well.
I wonder if an alert was sent out on these bomb reports, and, if not, I wonder why not. Maybe police thought homemade bombs were an incident not an emergency so didn’t want to send text message & email at 3am?
We are of course speculating without evidence that it’s the same guy, now six days later.
it wasn't me.
@ronskidmore The burnt car that remains in the Arby's parking lot is the summer gift from Mac's city commissioners, didn't you know! Burnt cars & homeless garbage/vehicles/trash/tents will welcome tourists and wine drinkers alike.