Letters to the editor: Jan. 22, 2021
Something better awaits
Thank you, News Register, for providing space for my guest column of Jan 8. It seems to have provoked some thought, as I have received both supportive and critical comments.
Many were in agreement that now is the time for our nation to come together. Others were critical regarding what was not said as opposed to what was said.
It appears that after 28 years in law enforcement, I falsely assumed people would know I believe those who commit crimes should be held accountable. So let me clarify:
Yes, I believe those who commit crimes should be held accountable. And just as there is a difference between theft and murder, I understand there is also a difference between violent protest and treason.
I believe in justice, but I also know the healing power of forgiveness with accountability. And I know that “less-bad” does not equate to good, so committing the lesser crime does not give one the moral high ground.
I maintain that we must figure out a way to climb out of the mire, and that time is now.
Is it naive to think we can create a vision forward, with people of differing opinions able to engage without vilifying each other? Maybe, but I am willing to try.
The alternative is to stay in the mire, remain divided, and destroy our families, our communities, our state, and our nation. I believe we are better than that.
I did not always agree with President Obama, but I do agree that “something better awaits us if we have the courage to reach for it, and to work for it, and to fight for it.”
State Rep. Ron Noble
Birds of harmony
Over the last 10 months, we’ve had to look for ways to enjoy our time away from friends and family. Many of us have looked for new hobbies and my wife chose to become a birder. In general, I’ve enjoyed her hobby passively and vicariously.
Today, we packed our lunch and headed to a wildlife refuge, binoculars in hand. Instead of being excited by rare birds sighted, I found myself thinking about what we might learn from our feathered friends.
Sitting on logs and floating on the pond were probably a dozen or two different bird and fowl species, in all sizes, shapes and colors. Not an aggressive squawk, chirp or honk did we hear.
How can they live in such harmony when we humans need to build tall fences, erect strong buildings with bulletproof glass and walk on the other side of the street when someone who doesn’t look like us approaches? We can look to the birds for the answer.
It seems they have the wisdom to teach us to live in harmony with our neighbors. We only need to open our eyes, ears and hearts to see what’s right in front of us.
Cameron Urnes
Mugs up
It’s unfortunate that Amity Planning Commissioner Rob Kistler will not be reappointed, but perhaps it’s for the best.
It’s not so much that Kistler had the audacity to enjoy a glass of wine during a recent video-conferenced planning commission meeting, but that he lacked the ingenuity to pour the wine into a coffee mug first.
Yamhill County needs city planning commissioners who can think on their feet.
Jeff Marten
Reads two ways
It’s interesting that a person can read a headline — DISMAY and OUTRAGE — and immediately think it supports their own point of view, shared by 75 million other Americans. Upon reading the fine print, though, I realized the letters and articles under that headline were from a bee’s nest of Trump haters.
Never have I read so much stinging, emotional and visceral vitriol against a president — a president who, by the way, received five nominations for the Nobel Peace Prize and was voted most admired American in 2019 and 2020. Several writers seemed to have a divine connection revealing to them the “truth” about the fairness of the election.
I watched the live hearings on issues swing states seemed to be having with voting results. If even half of what I saw and heard was true, there were some serious problems.
If you couple this with the vile hatred of President Trump by Democratic Party leaders, the false accusations that he is a Russian asset, the asserted goal to remove him at any cost and all the mail-in voting, you know there was motive and opportunity. It’s no wonder 75 million Americans are DISMAYED and OUTRAGED about what just happened.
Leonard Leis
A better way
America is broken.
We know this, but how do we fix it? Where do we begin to mend the wounds and become a happier and healthier society?
We are a nation of all nations. That has always made America so grand and unique.
Why is it difficult for us to embrace our differences and realize their importance in building a greater nation? Is it fear? Is it envy or distrust?
I believe it is time to look to our young people, to fortify their knowledge and allow them to lead us toward a stronger, more sustainable future.
How? Time and guidance, to begin with.
I remember when our schools made time for our students to have vital discussions and debate issues that helped shape their lives and our communities. We offered them a hearty civics program and made time for them to be a part of social action clubs and organizations — not just for some of them, but for all of them.
Our students learned the importance of city and county government. They participated in programs that helped them become a vital part of the community. They were given time to interact with each other and learn that diversity was a strength and a building block for a more vibrant society.
I wonder. Maybe it’s time to set aside some of the assessments we expect of our young people. Maybe it’s time we incorporated a more wholesome curriculum, helping guide these young minds to become solution-seekers, and to realize that each person has gifts to offer.
There must be a better way.
I, for one, am ready to be part of a dialogue to help us mend our wounds. Who is with me? My email address is: lizmarliastein@gmail.com
Liz Marlia-Stein
Deforestation danger
I have lived in Yamhill County for more than 30 years.
During that time I have seen local forests disappear acre by acre, replaced by vineyards with barely a shoulder shrug. We decry the leveling of forest in Brazil and Asia, yet view our forests as disposable for our local economy.
Since the 1600s, the United States has lost 75% of its virgin forests. No matter where trees are when they are cut down, they release carbon into the atmosphere and result in loss of natural habitat.
This model has never worked. The earth’s resources are finite.
There must be a consideration for the planet when we take for our consumption rather than just look at economic growth. We must adopt a spirit of reciprocity and in consideration of the effects on our air, water, and the animals that need these forests.
So what does that look like?
That means there needs to be some regulation that requires that for every acre of forest removed for housing and agriculture or any other use, a percentage of forest will be left to provide natural corridors. In Yamhill County, there should be requirements for vineyards and developments to protect a portion of the land for native trees and shrubs, or replant an area with the same.
Will this affect profits?Maybe we need to rethink what profit means. It’s not just about the financial benefit of a few. It’s about the survival of all that live on this earth — and that’s not just about humans.
Alanna Pass
Know the truth
Fear induces us to unconsciously accept manipulation, deception and so forth, disabling our controls. The virus is a prime example.
We don’t calm down and conduct our own research, but accept what is told to us. We fail to consider the the thousands of deaths due to the flu, and there are no apprehensions or restrictions associated with that.
A question arises: Why is an uproven vaccine so forcibly promoted, to the point where air travel may require proving vaccination? Shouldn’t we wonder why the vaccine is so speedily accepted?
Upon researching the Great Reset, a global vaccination initiative the United Nations is promoting through the World Economic Forum, enlightenment reveals its real purpose for our future.
We have advocates whose allegiance is to us citizens and the Constitution — our sheriffs. We should have great regard for our constitutionally empowered sheriffs, as they are our shields from the tyranny of higher government.
It would also behoove us to pray. Yes, pray, as citizens did when 9/11 occurred. Prayer affords us comfort, peace and hope, despite what some who denounce prayer say.
In conclusion, I’m hoping to inspire others to recearch the dangers looming in our future. It’s your choice, and this is not a conspiracy theory.
Hosea 4:6 says: My peple are destroyed for lack of knowledge. John 8:32 says: And ye shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free.
Mary Novak
Jeff Marten, Your comments regarding Amity Planning Commissioner Rob Kistler drinking wine during a recent commission meeting only served to open deep wounds and remind me of that horribly shocking and inexcusable event. Fortunately, my psychologist has been providing counseling to help me overcome the trauma I suffered. Unfortunately, he feels that I may require several months of therapy and medications to overcome the distress caused me by Mr. Kistler's selfish and disgraceful actions.