Letters to the editor: May 1, 2020
Farm roots and values
I have had the privilege of knowing Barbara Boyer since my husband and I relocated to Yamhill County about 14 years ago.
Barbara has deep roots to the land she has farmed with her husband for 30 years, and an unwavering commitment to responsible and sustainable farming practices.
I was impressed to learn that all of their organic hay customers are within a 50-mile radius of the farm. Conservation and safeguarding the environment are key values to Barbara. Barbara has dedicated the past 30 years to creating a livable community for the people of Yamhill County and serving their needs. Her service as co-founder of the McMinnville Farmers Market, chair of the Yamhill Soil & Water Conservation District and member and former chair of the Oregon Department of Agriculture Board make her uniquely qualified to tackle the many issues unique to the people of Yamhill County. Barbara does not hesitate to roll up her sleeves to tackle a project or issue, and does so by leading with joy. A firm believer in collaboration, she values the opinions of others.
She is honest, fair and pragmatic. And she has a unique ability to listen and think outside of the box in order to develop innovative solutions.
Our county needs a commissioner with these values and ethic. I invite you to join me in choosing Barbara Boyer as our next Yamhill County commissioner.
Shirley Ward-Mullen
Farmers for Lindsay
I was born and raised in Yamhill County, but there was a time I wasn’t paying attention to politics. It wasn’t until March 2019 that I was stirred to go into the political arena, when our Second Amendment rights were being infringed.
I went to Donna Nelson, our former state representative, and she said, “Jimmy, learn about Oregon’s Constitution and get some political training. Then research your candidates and make sure you stand behind them 100%.”
I took part in Rep. Mike Nearman‘s Oregon Constitution training and Western Liberty Network training. From there, I began my search for candidates I could support.
I was introduced to Yamhill County commissioner candidate Lindsay Berschauer at a meeting, and discovered she had the same values and concerns I had.
We were both against home rule and five county commissioners. We were both for protecting our Second Amendment rights and our property owner rights, especially where it comes to local farmers. When Lindsay expressed her strong stance regarding these issues, I was persuaded to endorse her candidacy.
Our farmers are the backbone of Yamhill County. When you look into both the candidates, you should notice that there are many homegrown farmers endorsing Lindsay.
James Goings
No to taxes, regulation
My family owns a small business in McMinnville that employs 13 people. Any type of increase in taxes or regulation affects how much we are able to give to our employees in wages and insurance coverage.
During the 2019 regular session and 2020 short session, legislators from the majority party tried to push a bill known as “Cap and Trade” that would have effectively closed our small business.
An April 17 letter to concerned me about county commissioner candidate Barbara Boyer.
I am disheartened to learn that Barbara, who appears to be non-partisan, is actually hiding behind her non-affiliated status to get elected. The same party and individuals who tried to put our small company out of business, and ban my disabled child from his occupational and special needs services, are funding her campaign.
In light of these findings, our family will be voting for Lindsay Berschauer as the next county commissioner.
Trevor Gleason
Character and experience
I’m writing to share my enthusiastic support for Barbara Boyer as Yamhill County commissioner.
Barbara is a natural leader who can communicate effectively with people from many different backgrounds and bring them together. She is honest, capable, fair and hardworking, exactly what we need right now in local government.
For years, I had the pleasure of working with Barbara when she ran the McMinnville Farmers Market where I was a vendor.
Market managers need to have strong interpersonal and organizational skills, and Barbara exemplified both. She was always there early with a smile, ready to help out or problem solve.
Barbara gracefully and competently helped the market through many different challenges, from dangerous windstorms to changing needs. She grew the market into a flourishing success, thanks to her positive interactions and strong leadership. She helped our small businesses thrive.
Barbara has the character and experience to make ethical decisions for our county.
I appreciate the positive campaign she has run this year, and the honesty she has shown in her years of hard work, serving on boards and running her own small business. She has the ability to genuinely listen to people and decide issues fairly from a non-partisan perspective.
We need her leadership during these uncertain times. As a small business owner, I am excited to vote for her.
This May, make your voice heard. Choose Barbara Boyer for county commissioner.
Rebecca Minifie
Respect and preserve
As a Yamhill County resident, I’ve voted several times for Barbara Boyer to continue leading the Yamhill County Soil and Water Conservation District — one of those smaller, quiet county agencies that make oversized contributions to our quality of life. This year, I’m pleased to vote for Barbara for Yamhill County commissioner.
Barbara’s energy, imagination and determination have given our county programs such as the McMinnville Farmers Market and helped transform Miller Woods into a model for integrating resource management, conservation and recreation. At this time, Miller Woods has become a welcome pastoral respite from the worries that face us all.
County commissioners deal with a broad variety of issues, from making the best use of financial resources to encouraging and supporting economic development. The latter not only brings welcome money to local businesses, but also encourages businesses to understand and respect the way we want our county to grow
Between experience working with her husband on his family’s 400-acre Century Farm, to her legacy of own business experience and her membership on the state Board of Agriculture since 2012, Barbara has a well-developed sense of the need to protect and support our rural county priorities, — and with coping rationally with the inevitable growth needed to keep our economy alive and healthy.
Barbara would focus on the issues that matter to us most: adequate and affordable housing, air and water quality, health care resources, quality of life and our children’s futures. As a Yamhill County commissioner, Barbara Boyer would continue the work she started, shepherding our county forward while respecting and preserving our heritage.
Linda Watkins
A great opportunity
I’m thankful Oregon has vote-by-mail. These are tough times.
With the debacle at the federal level, local government takes on increased importance.
In this election, we have the opportunity to elect a county commissioner, Barbara Boyer, who has the intelligence, resourcefulness and experience to take Yamhill County forward. I’m so delighted Barbara is willing to bring her talents to this thankless task, and put herself on the line to do it. I have no hesitation urging everyone I know to vote for her.
Are you familiar with the wonderful Farmers Market in McMinnville? Barbara started that.
Do you know all the good work the Yamhill County Soil and Water Conservation District does, including managing Miller Woods? Barbara has chaired that group for years.
Yamhill County is a rural county, and Barbara knows farming. She is a longtime member of the state Board of Agriculture who has farmed in this county for many years with her husband.
She also has administrative leadership experience running the Soil & Water Conservation Board. Check your Voters’ Pamphlet for more.
I’m going to vote for Barbara. I hope you will, too.
She needs more than 50% of the vote to avoid a runoff next fall. This is a great opportunity for all of us who care about local leadership.
Susan Sokol Blosser
A clear choice
For me, the choice between the two main candidates running for county commissioner is clear cut.
One candidate, Ms. Berschauer, advocates holding the line on spending, avoiding new taxes or tax increases and, most importantly, rejecting the proposal to increase the number of commissioners from three to five.
The other candidate, Ms. Boyer, not only advocates increasing the number of commissioners from three to five, but also wishes to change the nature and character of our county government by adopting the charter option.
With a population of 105,000 residents, that would mean a commissioner for every 21,000 men, women and children. Really?
Are the issues, problems, and challenges facing Yamhill County that daunting? Are we really ready to become a mini-Washington County? Is it essential to add additional layers of bureaucracy, additional staff, departments, and an increased budget to meet the challenges the next decade will bring?
In my estimation, Ms. Boyer says yes to all of the above, and Ms. Berschauer gives an emphatic no.
With every farm, business, worker and family in Yamhill County adversely affected by the fallout from the virus and lockdown, our officials need to be cognizant of the emotional toll that is tearing at the very fabric of our community. When the restrictions are eventually lifted, it will be criminal for our elected officials to cavalierly carry on as before.
That is why, at this time, I believe Ms. Berschauer is the best choice for county commissioner.
She would resist the call for new revenue, as hard as that might be. She would reject the call for expansion of government and bureaucracy. And she would lead us all on a slow common-sense road of recovery from the effects of the virus lockdown.
Bill Hall
Clearly most qualified
I have watched the race for county commissioner closely.
I worked for nearly 21 years on the county’s management team, so I know what makes an effective commissioner. I highly recommend we elect Barbara Boyer.
I have seen lots of campaign rhetoric about things that have little to do with serving as a commissioner.
The commissioners are supposed to run the county. To do that effectively takes broad experience and an ability to build partnerships.
Barbara’s opponent seems to think photo ops on the steps of the Capitol, touched-up photos on signs and constant criticism of state government make a good commissioner. In fact, these things do nothing to forward the interests of our citizens.
We need the experienced leadership Barbara Boyer has.
She has successfully served as the elected chair of the Yamhill Soil and Water Conservation District for more than 10 years. She has successfully built value-added partnerships at the state level through her service on state boards.
She has what it takes to improve our county roads and bridges. She knows how to listen to varying opinions respectfully and seek common ground to solve the problem.
Barbara has veterans in her family, so would make veterans services a priority. As a former U.S. Marine, I want someone like that.
The Boyers have been landowners in Yamhill County for decades, so Barbara understands the issues facing property owners, farmers and the logging industry. Since she is a landowner, property taxes are personal to her.
She values the service of our county’s public employees. Instead of constantly criticizing them, as her opponent does, she knows that they are the first line of service to our citizens.
Please join me in voting for Barbara Boyer, clearly the most qualified candidate for Yamhill County commissioner.
Murray Paolo
A true leader
Barbara Boyer is a breath of fresh, political air.
Even before the COVID-19 crisis, Barbara stood out as someone who could get things done. Now that governing will be more complicated, we need someone free from ideology making the important decisions.
These decisions will require objectivity, not knee-jerk reactions. And Barbara believes in science, which is refreshing. Until watching her on a virtual “debate” online, I had no idea what her political affiliation was. This is unusual in these days of partisan division.
Barbara is objective. She doesn’t approach issues with an ideological bias. There are many things that make for a high quality of life in Yamhill County, and Barbara has had leadership roles in at least two of them — the vibrant McMinnville Farmers Market and the highly effective and successful Soil and Water Conservation District.
She has made important contributions at the state level, as well, at the Department of Agriculture and other important state agencies. She has contributed to Oregon’s recognition as a national leader in land use, agriculture, energy, clean water, and more. She sets high goals and achieves them. Barbara’s statement in the voters’ pamphlet details some of what she wants to achieve and the benefits she hopes to bring to county residents. It is free of dog-whistle buzzwords, the likes of: Individual Rights! Property Rights! Metro!
I don’t agree with everything Barbara has done, but that doesn’t matter. I respect her reasoning as she went about trying to accomplish important things. Yamhill County needs a commissioner with critical thinking skills, people skills, the ability to listen objectively and a sense of humor. It doesn’t hurt that she can also buck a bale of hay. I urge people to vote for Barbara Boyer, a true leader, for county commissioner.
Ilsa Perse
Most qualified
After reading the Voters’ Pamphlet regarding the Yamhill County commissioner race, the decision of who is most qualified becomes clear.
Lindsay Berschauer is the top choice of large and small businesses with an emphasis on local and rural economic growth. She is supportive of loggers, truckers, farmers and mom and pop businesses.
Ms. Berschauer has the education, experience and youthful energy to excel in the commissioner position. After the economic toll of the CORVID pandemic, she is the only one with the knowledge and ideas to bring stablity back to our local economy.
I had to report to Ms. Berschauer the vandalism and theft of one of her signs. This shows the opposition is insecure, that it can’t win on the issues.
Let’s not stoop to East Coast dirty politics here in rural Oregon. This only tarnishes reputations at a time we need someone we can trust.
Please join us in voting for Lindsay Berschauer for Yamhill County commissioner.
Garry and Lynda Bevier
Unprecedented crisis
I am supporting Lindsay Berschauer for county commissioner for some very important reasons.
Yamhill County is facing an unprecedented economic and budgetary crisis in the wake of the COVID virus.
During my term as county commissioner from 2003-14, the county weathered a number of budgeting challenges, including the PERS shortfall and the economic downturn of 2008-09.
Our county has always operated within its means. Past boards of commissioners have been fiscally conservative, maintained reserves and made every effort to reduce excessive administration or management.
That’s why, while other counties were left struggling to maintain basic services, Yamhill County was able to get through the unexpected shortfalls without cutting critical services to citizens.
It is imperative we choose a commissioner with the experience and ability to lead the county through the tough times ahead, prioritizing services to citizens.
I am grateful Lindsay Berschauer, a member of the Yamhill County Budget Committee and the YCAP Board of Directors has stepped up to join the board. She is the only commissioner candidate to have the endorsement of the Taxpayer Association of Oregon.
I support Ms. Berschauer and encourage voters to elect her as our next commissioner.
Kathy George
The one you call
When my family moved to Yamhill County in 1997, Barbara Boyer and her husband Tom were two of the first people we met. They grow hay and we needed some.
Over the years, I’ve learned Barbara, now running for county commissioner, is someone you call when you want to know something, anything, at the county or state level. The connections she has made serving on various boards and agencies, most all on a volunteer basis, would benefit all of us.
Barbara is an independent thinker. She listens to all sides before she makes a decision. When you think of her think Tom McCall or Mark Hatfield.
I urge anyone reading this to please vote for Barbara Boyer for county commissioner.
John Eshleman
Knows the county
By now, most of you have received the Voters’ Pamphlet and are making decisions on candidates.
I encourage you to read Barbara Boyer’s page of information. However, you should know that it is actually understated.
As a fellow director of the Yamhill Soil & Water Conservation District, I have had the privilege of serving with and under Barbara’s leadership for a long time. Those of us on the board quickly recognized Barbara’s skills, energy and abilities to further achieve the district’s goals and elected her chair.
Barbara is a person who hears all voices, finds a path to achieve goals and is a consensus builder. She is passionate about serving and leaves no stone unturned in finding answers and solutions.
She is personable, so quickly establishes rapport with people. Everyone is her friend and she is everyone’s friend.
Barbara knows the county’s resources, people, opportunities and challenges. She has the ability, energy, knowledge, skills and desire to make an outstanding commissioner.
Please join me in voting for Barbara Boyer for county commissioner.
Sam Sweeney
Freedom fighter
I’m a third-generation Oregonian from a law enforcement family.
I believe our constitutional rights are non-negotiable. I also believe they are continually being attacked, often times unknowingly. That’s why it’s so important to elect people like Lindsay Berschauer to represent our community.
Over the past legislative sessions, I have seen many bills proposed and passed that unnecessarily raise taxes on my family. My family and I have been actively involved in protesting bills that would raise taxes and infringe on our constitutional rights. I am relieved to see Lindsay Berschauer running for county commissioner. She is fighting against egregious pieces of legislation that are raising taxes, causing job losses and infringing on our freedoms as American citizens. I have personally worked with Lindsay as she dedicated her time to support our local law enforcement. She is truly committed to serving her community.
She demands transparency in our government. She defends medical freedom. She is willing to stand boldly as the face for all those that she is fighting for. Our family will be supporting her because she was by our side fighting when we needed it most.
Erin Linck
Strong local roots
Barbara Boyer is my candidate.
She has strong roots in Yamhill County. Her knowledge of, and dedication to, resource lands is outstanding. Together with her husband Tom, Boyer farms a Century Farm near Amity. She started the McMinnville Farmer’s Market and managed it for several years. She chairs the County Soil and Water Conservation Board and serves on several statewide boards, including the Board of Agriculture and Watershed Enhancement Board. Boyer understands how government works. She knows how to leverage state and federal programs to benefit us locally.
She is determined to manage the county’s inevitable growth for the benefit of all residents. She supports a strong voice in county decisionmaking for all residents and communities. Her opponent is a political consultant who has doled out money to causes and candidates in Salem, Portland Metro, and Clackamas County. She has nothing like Boyer’s leadership experience, resource lands commitment or Yamhill County roots. Barbara Boyer is passionate about our county. She has my vote.
Susan Watkins
Independent thinker
I’m writing to encourage friends and neighbors to join me in supporting Barbara Boyer for county commissioner. As a former city dweller turned farmer and small business owner, I hope to offer a unique perspective.
I met Barbara many years ago at the farmers market in McMinnville, where she was supporting small farms and artisans like myself. Since then, I’ve had interactions with her from buying hay to watching her work in agricultural conservation policy.
She is rational and level-headed in her decisionmaking. She has worked tirelessly for years to improve the economic realities for small farms and communities.
Although we don’t always agree, I admire Barbara’s ability to work with all types of people, listen to all sides of an issue and make informed decisions. Because she values our rural economies, she would make wise decisions that benefit all people — our farmers, timber growers and city dwellers alike.
As an independent thinker, she has the ability to bring our communities together. She wouldn’t push them further apart with partisan politics.
As a longtime resident and farmer herself, Barbara has walked the walk, and not just talked the talk.
Kim Hamblin
Safe and viable
In response to Mr. Bowerman’s blithe letter about bicycles:
From the perspective of a bicyclist, I want to thank the visionaries who see multi-modal transportation as a safe and viable alternative to cars. In a time when our priorities are being rewritten, I think that cute family out on a bike ride, rolling past your farm, will appreciate it much more than some dude who thinks Hendricks Road is the Talladega Superspeedway.
Some fresh air, slowing down. If the present situation has taught us anything, it’s that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.
So, thank God for farmers, thank God for bicyclists and thank God these dangerous roads are showing signs of biodiversity within their autocentric ecosystem.
Jeffrey Allen
Partisan bickering
I’m suffering from nausea and a headache, but not from COVID-19. My malady stems from the news.
I am sick of partisan bickering about how to address this virus. It’s predictable as the sunrise that D’s will hate what R’s propose and R’s will pooh-pooh the concerns of D’s. Why can’t politicians compromise on the basis of scientifically established facts?
Facts aren’t political. They don’t care which party you support. They certainly don’t care who it is you are wagging your tail to please. So many political leaders espouse only facts that support their politics. They stick fingers in their ears when they hear facts not serving to confirm their agendas. Worse yet, they make stuff they pass off as facts. They achieve acrobatic feats of intellectual dishonesty in an effort to convince constituents of their sincerity.
These politicians assure constituents they are concerned only with public well-being, but the other side is not. The other side is not just wrong, but dangerous and frightening.
FDR told Americans that fear itself was their biggest enemy, and he was right at the time.
But today, our political and social divisions are more to be feared. And the failure of politicians to put aside personal ambitions is more to be feared.
Failure to seek agreements where they can and accommodations where they must is killing us — literally as well as figuratively. History will not treat this time kindly.
History will call out politicians who put personal interests ahead of those of the nation. It will expose their cravenness and shame it.
History will laud our health care workers and first responders, who stood tall at tremendous personal risk. History will remember the essential workers who showed up every day — people who, when you thank them, will tell you they are just doing their jobs. Politicians should look upon these brave souls, be ashamed and start doing their own jobs.
Erma S. Vasquez
Not ready yet
Open letter to the Yamhill County commissioners:
We need to do more on COVID-19. Before we open up, we need a plan, we need testing, we need education, we need countywide communication, we need supplies, we need funding, we need coordination with other counties and the state, we need ... I am sitting here at home, in a crisis, wondering where my government has gone.
Leonard Rydell
Riding the rails
On the projected revamping of Highway 47 through Carlton:
I haven’t seen a map, but why can’t the road go straight north past the railroad station, take the railroad right of-way, then realign with the current road before it gets to Yamhill? That would eliminate two corners and use land that isn’t developed.
Nancy Thornton
Thanks to Bonamici
Having lost my grandfather and my husband’s grandmother to Alzheimer’s disease, I’ve seen firsthand the devastating impact this disease has on families across America.
As the number of people living with dementia rises, so, too, will their interactions with health care, social services and criminal justice services professionals. Unfortunately, those professionals currently receive little or no training in the unique needs of individuals living with dementia.
Dementia-specific training materials for these professionals would improve the quality of their interactions with individuals living with Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia, and also help protect these individuals from elder abuse. To that end, the Alzheimer’s Impact Movement and Alzheimer’s Association strongly support the bipartisan Promoting Alzheimer’s Awareness to Prevent Elder Abuse Act, sponsored by Rep. Suzanne Bonamici.
This legislation would require the Department of Justice to develop training materials to assist law enforcement officers, prosecutors, judges, medical personnel, victims’ services personnel and others who encounter and support subject individuals. Through the act, Bonamici is trying to assist some of our most vulnerable individuals.
Please join me in thanking the congresswoman for her leadership. Learn more at www.alz.org.
Kendall Ekerson
Why stop now?
Now that we are more than a month into the virus shutdown, this would be the perfect time to transition to the New Green Deal. The way things are right now, there isn’t a whole lot left to do.
Of course, rebuilding everyone’s house will have to wait. But with other things, we’re almost there.
Let’s figure out how far along we are:
We have virtually no air travel. We have most businesses shut down. Automobile travel is restricted. Hospitals now treat only the really sick patients. Cruise ships are out of business.
Free government checks amount to more than our regular pay, so we’re getting paid not to work. We’re protecting ourselves from each other.
Religious services are shut down. Farms are no longer bringing food to market. We are limited to basically one house. And much, much more.
We are so close to implementing the Oregon model of the Green New Deal, why stop now? Let’s go all the way!
Dennis Carmody
Make it fair
I’m confused as to why local paint stores like Rodda can only provide take-out service during the self-isolation phase while the Lowe’s paint department is allowed to do business as usual.
I’ve never been at Rodda when there’s a line or a crowd, but that’s often the case at Lowe’s.
There’s no logic to this. Please begin allowing local businesses like Rodda to reopen as long as customers can and do practice social distancing.
Donna Bischoff
Convenient excuse
This coronavirus is a convenient excuse to impose more control and dismantle the constitution. The shadow government employs the media to fan us to fear and hysteria, but doesn’t report positive news such as South Korea’s approach of quarantining only the sick, with business as usual keeping the economy intact.
The president was chastised on his call to relax regulations, but there was not a word of the hundreds of patients treated with a combination of hydroxychloroquinine, azithromycin and zinc sulfate by Dr. Vladimir Zelenko, as revealed by presidential attorney Rudy Giuliani. And none of his patients required hospitalization.
Constitutional violation and dictatorship is evidenced by governors and mayors calling for closure of churches and suspension of regligious services, with threats of confiscation, arrests or jail. This borders on discrimination, as abortion clincis are allowed to remain open.
We hear nary a word of Bill Gates’ call for nationwide closure patterned after China, nor his call for use of bracelets to monitor vaccination or infrared tattoos to monitor all citizens. Those are all blatant violations of the Constitution, as are the Patriot Act, Homeland Security, the Transportation Safety Administration and National ID.
This represents the dismantling of the Constitution by deceit, manipulation, distraction and distortion. Glib wording is used to gain compliance.
It would behoove us to make time to activate our vigilance, to research and resist. It is time to use Jefferson’s admonition, using the chains of the Constitution to bind a runaway and tyrannical nation.
Here’s a fitting Bible verse, Hosea 4:6: “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.”
Mary Novak
Swartzendruber in 12
In this time of deep partisan divide, I am hoping voters will agree that we need leaders who favor healing, dialogue and compromise.
Recently, we experienced many of our representatives and senators walking out of the Capitol, unwilling to negotiate. Sadly, Sen. Brian Boquist was one of them. But Ross Swartzendruber is committed to change this.
I have worked with Ross for a number of years and personally know his passion and dedication for service. Ross and I are a part of the Oregon Public Education Network, trying to bring positive changes to our schools — changes that will benefit our students and teachers and strengthen the public school system.
Ross has spent endless hours going to the Capitol to visit with leaders like Sen. Boquist in an effort to convince them of better ways for our students to succeed — without the stress that comes with our current testing system. He attends legislative sessions and other important meetings to speak for these constructive, optimistic solutions.
As a father of public school children, Ross experiences first hand the challenges our children are facing. He also advocates for addressing our climate crisis, homeless population and health care inequity.
I cannot think of a more devoted and steadfast individual to serve Oregon in Senate District 12.
Liz Marlia-Stein
Showing the way
I love seeing people reach 100 and more and still keep on keeping on.
Way to go, Elaine Rohse. That’s the way to show the world that age is only mental.
Your attitude and moxie serve as an inspiration to everyone.
My mom lived to be 105, but she didn’t get the chance to really show what a vibrant person she was in her older age.
I am not a believer that “rest homes” are the place to go when one gets older. The best one can do for oneself is to keep on living, as you have shown all of us, and to keep active.
I intend to follow this direction as best as I can. Way to go.
Alice Vinton
Lights of hope
Every American faces uncertain and challenging times with our new normal. For Oregonians diagnosed with cancer this year, the stakes are even higher.
Patients, families and caregivers need to know we’re still here for them, that the American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network and it’s volunteers haven’t stopped advocating for critical research funds and broad access to health care. That’s why I’m proud to have a visible way to raise awareness for cancer.
Every year, network volunteers like me travel to Washington, D.C., to speak with Congress about how we can eliminate cancer. We bring thousands of Lights of Hope bags to display around the Lincoln Memorial Reflecting Pool, adorned with the names of cancer survivors and victims.
Things change rapidly as we grapple with coronavirus, but one thing is certain: We won’t let Congress forget about cancer patients and our mission to see a world free of this horrible disease.
If anyone would like to get a Lights of Hope bag for someone they love, please contact me at justus@embarqmail.com for order online at https://secure.fightcancer.org/goto/Margaret_kallunki. Thanks in advance for your support.
Margaret Kallunki
No more neoliberals
People are losing their jobs and with that their health insurance.
Would they want to return to on-and-off employer-based healthcare if they could get Medicare for All instead? I think not.
Disease and illness do not know who has and who does not have insurance, but we do. Heed the Wobbly saying, “An injury to one is an injury to all.” Wouldn’t it be better if all citizens had health care?
Personally, I can’t support another neoliberal Democrat.
It starts with Clinton’s NAFTA, which ended the requirement China go before Congress annually to address its human rights record. That opened the door for China to enter into The World Trade Organization. Then Obama championed the Trans-Pacific Partnership, a horrid trade agreement that failed.
These agreements decimated industrial workers. They sent the jobs overseas for cheaper products and more profit, thanks to low wages and lack of environmental oversight.
Now we have a pandemic to deal with.
In good times, personal protective equipment was cheap because it was made overseas. That left us with no plants in the U.S., a large a price to pay.
This election features another neoliberal like Clinton and Obama. I can’t vote for him, knowing people lost their jobs due to said trade agreements, and are now dying of coronavirus.
The working class must get into the left lane of the political highway in this country and stop being run over in the middle of the road.
I will back Bernie in the primary. I will take it further in the general election by writing in Bernie, as I did in 2016.
Why? Because the Democrat candidate in 2016 was another neoliberal.
Dissent is patriotic. It’s at the core of our citizenry. This is about us, not Bernie.
Mike Sulliva
Truly appreciated
Many thanks for all that the city staff is doing to creatively support community members in new ways during this virus time.
Thank you to Library Director Jenny Berg for allowing church-based community meals to be served in the library plaza. Thank you to the senior center staff for reaching out with phone calls and delivering activity packets to our homes. Also thanks to the Code Enforcement Office for delivering prescribed medications and the library staff for delivering books.
These are but a few of the visible personal services we are being provided during this time. And that’s not to leave out all that police, fire, public works and other departments are doing to keep our city going.
Thank you to each of you. Know that you are truly appreciated.
Jan Noland
Don Dix
Ilsa Perse asserts that 'individual rights and 'property rights' are 'dog-whistle buzzwords' -- that might be true somewhere other than the US, but my Constitution says otherwise -- and quite frequently throughout!
Ms Novak: How ironic that Adam and Eve were eighty-sixed from the Garden of Eden because Eve ate the forbidden fruit from the tree of knowledge. Genesis 3:6