Jason William Paul - 1975 - 2018

Jason William Paul, the fifth son of Tom and Nancy Paul, was born March 18, 1975, at Dallas Hospital, while the family was living in Salem, Oregon. Shortly after Jason’s birth, the family moved to The Dalles, where Jason attended Dry Hollow Elementary School.
In 1986, the family moved to McMinnville, Oregon, where Jason attended fifth grade at Adams Elementary School, followed by Patton Middle school and MAC High. During his high school years, Jason developed his love of machines. He excelled in the school's shop program and quickly learned he was a natural and could fix anything!
During high school, Jason took shop under Dean Wimer and excelled in small engine repair, taking first place in Oregon FFA state competition. This was followed by taking third place at the national level.
After graduating in 1993, Jason attended ITT Tech. He participated in the NECA IBEW Journeymen Electricians Program and was an apprentice at Nice Electric in McMinnville.
During this time Jason met and married Michelle Ziegler; they welcomed their first child, Brooke Marie, in May of 1997. In 2001, they welcomed their second child, Riley James. Shortly after Riley’s birth, Jason began work for the Oregon Department of Corrections at Oregon Correctional Institute in Salem. He became a licensed contractor, starting Jason Paul Electric in March of 2007 and began doing independent work on the recommendations of family and friends.
Jason was a man of strong Christian faith whose church community was very important to him.
Over the years, Jason was an active member of the Bethel Baptist Church community, where he ran the sound board and was on the security team. Jason also volunteered at the Church on the Hill.
Jason’s belief in helping others extended beyond his community; over the years, he donated several gallons of blood to the Red Cross.
Jason was preceded in death by his brother, Tom Hamilton, in 2005. He is survived by wife, Michelle; their two children, Brooke Marie and Riley James Paul; his parents, Tom and Nancy Paul of McMinnville; brothers, Tim Hamilton (Rosemary) of Portland, Rick Hamilton (Anne) of Washougal, John Paul (Julie) of McMinnville, Jeromy Paul (Katie) of Sherwood, Joel Paul (Katy) of West Linn, and Josh Wittrock (Denise) of McMinnville; brother-in-law, Jason Ziegler (Rebecca) of McMinnville; five nieces; six nephews; and a countless number of friends and extended family members.
In lieu of flowers, the family is requesting donations be made to the Jason Paul McMinnville High School Shop Memorial Fund (US Bank, downtown McMinnville branch), where funds will be used to purchase a piece of equipment in his memory for the McMinnville High School Welding and Wood Working programs, or to the Jason Paul Memorial Fund (any Columbia State Bank), where the funds will be used to help pay for funeral costs and his immediate family’s needs.
Macy & Son Funeral Directors are handling services. Funeral will be held at 11:00 a.m. Saturday, November 10, 2018, at Baker Creek Community Church, 325 N.W. Baker Creek Road, with a reception to follow in Manley Hall. To leave condolences, visit www.macyandson.com.