By Kirby Neumann-Rea • Of the News-Register • 

Mac council to hear from public on Three Mile Lane Plan, budget

Planning director will ask to continue TMLAP hearing until July 26

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So if there's an application planning wants passed, several extensions can be pushed through to keep the hearing open. Funny how that wasn't an option for the Stafford application and the city council was given about two weeks for the UGB reply with about 800 pages of technical documentation, both applications hotly contested by citizens, but favored by planning. The UGB overload was followed the next week by an equally large technical document for the fire district decision.

So the city council doesn't get enough time to read the packets in detail for major decisions and planning can continue to get extensions to make its case when citizens don't. Remind me about who reports to whom in the city structure?

David S. Wall

Dateline [Monday, (06.13.22)]...McMinnville city hall...

The 'sands in the hour glass' governing the due date of the FY22-23 budget are rapidly running out. There are [15] calendar days until the budget is due.

From the article, "...The council must approve a 2022-23 budget by its June 28 meeting. Currently, the proposed budget stands at $134,567,769. A working group to address the city services fee is in the process of being convened by interim Mayor Remy Drabkin...".

What is the need for, "...A working group to address the city services fee..."? The city council will raise rates to fund their specific economic development goals with 'little' to 'No' regard to the economic plight of McMinnvilleans.

Has anyone in an administrative capacity at McMinnville's city hall paid any attention to the; financial markets; Prime Interest Rate, Mortgage Interest Rate, Producer's Price Index and 'run-away-inflation' currently pegged for 10% by the end of the year?

The Urban Renewal Agency's debt is well over [$27,000,000.00] and the interest is occurring every day.

McMinnvilleans...You 'voted' for these folks.

David S. Wall

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