
Pointer: The rich tapestry of holiday traditions

This is the 20th year Starla Pointer has written about holiday traditions that area residents grew up with. A News-Register reporter since 1982, she believes stories like these, and the Stopping By features ...

Jeb Bladine: Employers need new tax protection

Employers neednew tax protection Today’s continuation of our “Navigating Unemployment” series comes as Congress continues high-stakes negotiations on new relief measures for economic ...

Tom Hastings & Sadkia Hosteler: Earth to Portland: Violence not the answer

By TOM HASTINGS and<br/>SADKIA HOSTELER LIPPY     We live in Portland, Oregon. And almost anyone in our town will tell you, the question we are getting the most from those who do not ...

Gibson: Revolutionary lab research paved way for vaccines

COVID-19 has been a nightmare of personal tragedies and economic devastation. It has given us, though, a window into one of the greatest accomplishments of medical science in this or any century ...

Jeb Bladine: Two ‘train wrecks’ play on global stage

One “train wreck” event is one too many. But two of them currently compete for our attention: the death toll of the 2020 global pandemic, and the death throes of a disturbing presidential ...

Iler: A story of doughnuts and TriMet’s Line 12

Editor’s note: The following is a selection of a longer piece posted at donciler.medium.com.    By DON ILER It has been a rough year in most of the world, but I think Portland leveled ...

Berschauer: Helping working families should be our top priority

The results of the 2020 elections are a fascinating reflection of the priorities of most Americans, and specifically Oregonians. In Oregon, concerns about job security, COVID-19 response and economic ...

Bladine: Lots of time to meet community's needs

It was no surprise that annual promotions for post-Thanksgiving spending were magnified by COVID-2020, with so many financially challenged businesses and organizations competing for support from so many ...

Anderson: Isolation, inactivity pose particular risk to seniors

In September, I visited a client in her home — an 86-year-old woman I will call Jessie, living outside of McMinnville. I had visited her many times before. But this time, I waited longer than usual ...

Jeb Bladine: Communities created one piece at a time

A healthy, vibrant future depends on building strong partnershipsamong individuals, businesses, institutions, organizations It seems so long ago that I wrote these words for the Friday Viewpoints ...

Jeb Bladine: Election, pandemic still have to play out

Politics and COVID-19 remain prominent in our Readers Forum. This week there are a few signs of a return to diversity, but first a still-volatile election and a truly terrible pandemic have to play out. Whatchamacolumn Jeb ...

All eyes on Georgia

By JAN NIJMAN Georgia State University As runoffs loom, control of the Senate hangs in the balanceOver the past 36 years, Georgia had voted for Republican presidential candidates in every cycle ...

With change at helm, virus hope on horizon

By CATHERINE LYNNE TROISI University of Texas Health Science Center President-elect Biden’s new COVID-19 task force gives nation fresh chance to turn around public health disaster. A change in ...

## News-Register file photo

Moss: ’Tis the season for celebrating the bounty of Oregon’s farms

Thanksgiving is all about making time to reflect on the many things in life for which we are grateful. On that gratitude list, and in conversations around the dinner table, the Oregon Farm Bureau urges ...

Meador: A colossal job lies ahead in wake of this election

Although Democrats and other anti-Trumpers could be forgiven a moment of jubilation, both should, in fact, be urgently focused elsewhere. Today’s ebullience should be tempered by the gaping chasm ...

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