Americans deserve a dose of bipartisanship

By JOSEPH CROWLEY and BILL SHUSTER Our economy remains weak. A pandemic continues to kill thousands of citizens each day. And political tensions seem to have reached an all-time high. While a plan to ...

Bladine: Thought-provoking letter from 'Friend'

Dear “Friend”: Your long letter to me this week was a mixture of personal antipathy toward liberal politics and concerns that I’ve been scarred by unreasonable hatred of Donald Trump. ...

The unintended consequences of school closures

By TRACIE MCKINLEY-LUX Licensed Clinical Social Worker “Prolonged social isolation is deadly. We have already lost one child to suicide in this county because of it. I am not willing to lose another, ...

Deb Jones: Trashing our Oregon

As garbage piles up in Willamina and elsewhere we're in danger of losing something precious.  When I first sat down to write this, I was angry. We have lived in Willamina, near the Park-and-Ride ...

Jeb Bladine: Politics run hot with Westsider Trail talks

Long-time backers of the Yamhelas Westsider Trail are heartened by recent outpourings of public support for development of the 17-mile recreational trail between (just northeast of) McMinnville and Gaston. That ...

Governor displays depraved indifference

By BRIDGET BARTON Oregon Transformation Newsletter Almost everyone in America has seen the movie “Titanic” at least once. Some of the most unnerving scenes feature people fighting over who ...

Paige Matthews: Community critically as virus isolates us

To begin, I will say something not very novel: This is a hard season.  We know it, we’ve read it, we feel it. And even now, a year into a global pandemic, we still need to talk about ...

Letter to readers: Direct contact helps navigate deadline

Among the many changes government made due to the COVID-19 pandemic was the county’s handling of public comment it receives for each week’s meeting of the Board of County Commissioners. The ...

Oregon GOP makes waves with 'false flag' allegation

Editor's Note: The following resolution, adopted by the Oregon Republican Party on Jan. 19, has been stirring controversy across the country. We are reproducing it here without editorial comment. Resolution ...

Jeb Bladine: Simple questions; complex answers

Simple questions; complex answers It’s no surprise that amidst a still-raging pandemic surrounded by still-poison politics, questions are easy to spot, but answers are complex and elusive. Oregonians ...

Where was the outrage over Portland violence?

By BILL HALLRetired Naval Veteran Although not at all surprised by the response to the latest events that unfolded in Salem and D.C., as submitted to the paper by various professors, editors, writers and ...

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Davis and Gunn: Never too early to plant a local vegetable garden

The days are slowly getting longer and warmer — enough so that we will soon see the primrose and daffodil blooming. A garden puts you in the natural cycle of growth and change, so the first signs ...

Jeb Bladine: Quashing pandemic must be top priority

Doors have opened to the Biden Administration, with promises for more transparency and honesty in communications about government plans and performance. Circumstances call for a short honeymoon and a prolonged ...

Starrett peddling potentially fatal information

By DAN DALE Retired Emergency Room Physician   Misinformation can kill. I am specifically referring to the misinformation and pseudoscience Mary Starrett has used, and continues to use, to form ...

Publish something that saves someone

  I, Christina Malae, am the victim left unnamed the in Feb. 19 and Nov. 19 articles stemming from trauma I endured from 2008 to 2019 at the hands of my now ex-husband, but resoundingly named ...

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