HEATER ALLEN BEER: We use only the finest, most appropriate malts, hops, water and yeast in our beers. While our lagers are similar to those made in Germany and the Czech Republic, they are our own unique interpretation of the style. Lager beers are fermented at lower temperatures than ale, using yeast that has adapted to cooler fermentations. Low temperature fermentations create fewer “yeasty” aromas, esters, and flavors that are so common in ales. We brew lagers because we enjoy their smooth malty and hoppy character.
![HUMBLE SPIRIT TABULA RASA FARMS OREOS: Who knew a cookie could have so much meaning? Not only are Humble Spirit’s TRFOs (Tabula Rasa Farms Oreo) delightfully nostalgic and addictive, but these sweet treats encapsulate how this Third Street restaurant works with its farm to make the world a better place. Co-Executive Chef Brett Uniss explained why the TRFOs are a genius solution to a potentially wasteful problem, “Lard is one of the delicious abundances in a farm that raises forest-pastured hogs. You can only [sell] so much lard at a farmstand … but if you whip it with vanilla and sugar and sandwich it between chocolate cookies, it’s like an Oreo.” HUMBLE SPIRIT TABULA RASA FARMS OREOS: Who knew a cookie could have so much meaning? Not only are Humble Spirit’s TRFOs (Tabula Rasa Farms Oreo) delightfully nostalgic and addictive, but these sweet treats encapsulate how this Third Street restaurant works with its farm to make the world a better place. Co-Executive Chef Brett Uniss explained why the TRFOs are a genius solution to a potentially wasteful problem, “Lard is one of the delicious abundances in a farm that raises forest-pastured hogs. You can only [sell] so much lard at a farmstand … but if you whip it with vanilla and sugar and sandwich it between chocolate cookies, it’s like an Oreo.”](/pub/photo/thumb/2024-10-01-13-01-Humble-Spirit-Oreos_fitbox_800x600.jpg)
HUMBLE SPIRIT TABULA RASA FARMS OREOS: Who knew a cookie could have so much meaning? Not only are Humble Spirit’s TRFOs (Tabula Rasa Farms Oreo) delightfully nostalgic and addictive, but these sweet treats encapsulate how this Third Street restaurant works with its farm to make the world a better place. Co-Executive Chef Brett Uniss explained why the TRFOs are a genius solution to a potentially wasteful problem, “Lard is one of the delicious abundances in a farm that raises forest-pastured hogs. You can only [sell] so much lard at a farmstand … but if you whip it with vanilla and sugar and sandwich it between chocolate cookies, it’s like an Oreo.”

MAYSARA WINES FEMALE-MADE BIODYNAMIC WINES: Pure, female-made biodynamic wines: grown with intention, crafted in harmony with the land we farm.

MHS WLDING/FABRICATION DEPT. COOL THINGS:The Fabrication and Welding Pathway is designed to help students develop the technical qualifications and life skills needed to begin a career in the welding industry. It includes both courses in welding and manufacturing. A variety of welding processes are used to join units of metal. As a welder, you may work for shipyards, manufacturers, contractors, federal, state, county, and city governments, or firms requiring maintenance mechanics.
Coolest Things '24 - Round 1 - Group E
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