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Careful reflection leads Wyden to back arms treaty with Iran

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"It's Wyden who will end up on the right side of history here."

Or not.

Horse with no name

Excellent article. It's nice to read an articulate article about a vital issue. Dick Cheney and the other nut jobs need to take a break, they are part of the problem. Pissing matches are for chicken hawks.


"It's nice to read an articulate article about a vital issue."
-Horse with no name

Articulate article, eh? First off, this is definitely not an 'arms treaty'. A treaty requires a super majority, not 41. This is only an 'agreement'.

If Wyden actually believes he'd voted to block congressional rejection of a treaty, which he has clearly not, then, words have no meaning.

There is no doubt in my mind that Obama, Kerry and Wyden will end up on the wrong side of history here. Just my humble opinion, not that my opinion matters.

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