Megan Corvus: Puddles, in fact, not part of final Waters of the United State law
In October, the News Register published a Viewpoints commentary by Yamhill County Commissioner Mary Starrett, outlining her concerns about the EPA’s “Clean Water Rule: Waters of the United ...

Jeb Bladine: Living in the local state of mind
The annual holiday spending spree began today on Black Friday, to be followed immediately by Small Business Saturday, Cyber Monday and four full weeks of pre-Christmas shopping. Through it all we try to ...
Charles C. Haynes: Religious freedom in the age of Trump
In the end, this election wasn’t decided by Russian hacking, sexual assault charges, “blood coming out of her whatever,” the FBI or any of the other extraordinary moments that defied ...
Jeb Bladine: ‘Facts’ categorized as election casualty
A television comedy skit this week began with organ music and a sober-faced minister intoning, “We are gathered here today to mourn the passing of our dear friend, Facts.”It was humorously ...
Kevin Martinez: Documenting through body cameras
Body cameras in today’s society are critical and essential tools for law enforcement. Although this may seem logical across the board, implementation of a body camera program within a law enforcement ...
Jeb Bladine: Local sunshine on tax-hike strategies
A mass of campaign finance numbers is available online for anyone caring to analyze the politics of Oregon. Meanwhile, even a cursory look at those figures reveals a fascinating story of tax increase efforts ...

Nathalie Hardy: Reaching out to runaways
November is National Runaway Prevention Month, an easy event to let blend into the backdrop of calls for awareness on all sorts of critical and important issues. It’s vital for our communities to ...
Jeb Bladine: No bets, Bernie, on Clinton-Trump vote
I missed Sunday’s party, when McMinnville Area Habitat for Humanity celebrated the organization’s new Aspire subdivision and 25 years of contributions to Habitat by co-founder Bernie Turner. News ...

Who should be the next president of the United States?
A case made for Hillary Clinton by N-R managing editor Steve Bagwell, and an endorsement for Donald Trump by local businessman Devon Cuttrell.
Jeb Bladine: A local campaign in Trump-like style
For the record, I’m not a registered Republican, and not a member of the News-Register editorial board that endorsed Ron Noble for the Legislature. Further, if Noble and the Republican Party were ...
Jeb Bladine: Time to finish what Obamacare started
There’s a sense of desperation — even a dangerous threat of revolution — in the air swirling around Donald Trump’s presidential campaign. Meanwhile, both Trump and Hillary Clinton ...
Jeb Bladine: Paying the piper for health insurance
In nearly three years since the January 2014 launch of Obamacare, so many chickens have come home to roost that they probably would qualify for a group health insurance plan. In a February 2013 commentary ...
Ossie Bladine: Will a third party emerge?
With many clamoring for a break in the two-party system, libertarians hoping to be legitimate
Jeb Bladine: Election without bumper stickers
How strange is this year’s presidential election? Let me count the ways. It’s no secret that candidates Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton have the highest combined unfavorability ratings of ...
Omig Johnson: Musings of a gym devotee
In writing this Viewpoints I feel compelled to note that for most of my life I couldn’t even spell gym. I didn’t know a gluteus from an ab. In fact, I always assumed a gluteus had something ...