Investigating the Bible: Response to evil can take variety of forms

December 2019, in a Sunday morning worship service, a gunman opened fire, killing two people. Before he could kill more, he was shot and killed by an armed usher, who later said he did not consider himself to be a hero. No community is spared the ugly possibility of violence. So what advice does the Bible give us if evil strikes close to home? There is no one-size-fits-all response; however, there are guidelines:


Whatchamacolumn: Disruptive cyberattacks come in all sizes and shapes

News of cyberattacks is so persistent that it can become white noise, distracting us from the magnitude of individual computer system assaults and catastrophic risks. NBC News, January: FBI Director Christopher ...

Kirby Neumann-Rea/News-Register##“Coyote” stands 12 feet tall in the roundabout at the intersection of Northeast Baker Creek and Hill roads.

Calendar of Quirk: Various elements circle around this week — in a roundabout way

This week’s Calendar of Quirk elements include metal, wood, neon, and even some fire. April 15 The classic look of the Farnham Electric neon sign, a standout along Lafayette Avenue. April 16 The ...

Rachel Thompson/News-Register##As Barbara Jenson of Oregon 45, a group that honors veterans, talks about WWII vet Peggy Lutz, the Navy WAVES member is applauded by friends, relatives, Legion family members, military personnel, government officials, Daughters of the American Revolution and others.

Letter to readers: A national, and personal, hero

What can I say about Peggy Lutz, who served our country in the Navy WAVES during World War II? She’s been a role model and inspiration in many ways, for me and so many others. As one of the first ...

Whatchamacolumn: Reinvigorate what made KOB a success

Two recent headlines captured community attention and helped stimulate private/public discussions. “Next year could be last for after-school program.” That March 29 news story provided some ...

Investigating the Bible: Did Jesus get timing wrong?

On October 22, 1844, thousands of followers of Baptist minister William Miller waited on rooftops and hilltops for the rapture he had predicted. They were called Millerites and wore white robes; many sold all their possessions. The day came and no one was lifted to heaven. In recent times, radio minister Harold Camping had five different dates for the second coming, starting on September 6, 1994. When each date came and uneventfully passed, he’d choose another.


##Janice Allen

Allen: No reason to give up on Yamhelas Westsider Trail

Don’t let Mary Starrett fool you about the Yamhelas trail.

Jimmy Emerson photo/Flickr

Shumway: Only three Senate seats considered to be in play

Senators serve four-year terms with staggered elections, so only half the Senate’s 30 seats are up any given year. And the 2024 election is just a formality for two senators — Fred Girod, R-Silverton, and Kathleen Taylor, D-Portland — as they have no opponents from either party.

News-Register photo##The “Smile” on the west end of the main McMinnville High School building.

Calendar of Quirk: Twists, turns and sweet surprises in CQ’s ‘Evans Street Special’

This week’s Calendar of Quirk presents an Evans Street parade — a variety of Quirk from along one of McMinnville’s most popular thoroughfares. It should be stressed that, given Evans ...

Carol M. Highsmith/Library of Congress

Stapilus: Tight races loom in House, but shift in control unlikely

Two years ago, the Democratic majority in the 60-member Oregon House slipped from 37 seats to 35. Could Republicans win a majority this year? Probably not, though it’s not entirely out of the question.

Whatchamacolumn: Newspaper seeks its 'value proposition'

After correcting a previous error, last week’s column concluded: “That’s one of the reasons we have a community newspaper … if you want to help sustain that newspaper, take a look ...

Investigating the Bible: Held aloft by the perfection of compassion

In 1965, southern states would not air the television show, “I Spy,” because the leading actors were Bill Cosby acting as an equal with the very white Robert Culp.

News-Register photos##Regina, upstairs at Parlor Tattoo and Zen Gallery, generally stays in the second-floor lobby, but owner Natalie Fletcher welcomes anyone who wants to get acquainted.

Calendar of Quirk: Quirk examples that stand up to the test of time – and fashionably

Where else but McMinnville, a town of bountiful Quirk, would you find not one but four places that give names to mannequin? This week we celebrate Clark, Inez, Franz, Regina and Eva, four stand-up female ...

##Radford Bean

Yamhelas Westsider Trail, Pro: Project is worth a look with fresh eyes

Does Yamhill County’s Yamhelas Westsider Trail, proposed for former railroad right of way extending 14.8 miles north from Gun Club Road almost to Gaston, have a legitimate future?

##Mary Starrett

Yamhelas Westsider Trail, Con: Trail nothing more than expensive boondoggle

Yamhill County features the perfect mix of urban and rural, with comfortably sized cities, traded sector manufacturing, thousands of acres of forest and agricultural land and communities that still value caring for each other.

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