WWII Okinawa Veteran James Black

WWII Okinawa Veteran, Purple Heart and Bronze Star recipient, James Black will be 95 years old on September 6, 2021 Ride on over at 10 a.m.  and say Happy Birthday  1445 N.E. Hoffman Drive  ...

Hank & Joan Tofson

Happy 50th Anniversary  Hank and Joan

Joel and Louise Myers

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY  June 13, 1981   Happy 40th Anniversary to Joel and Louise Myers!  Love, Joey, John, David and families

Robert & Mary Williams 40th Wedding Anniversary

Robert and Mary Williams of Carlton celebrate their 40th wedding anniversary on March 7, 2021! It takes two very special people to weather the storms of life together and still be smiling years later! ...

Ruth Hutchens' 100th birthday

“For all the many birthday cakes and wonderful presents of your handiwork that you left on our desks for our birthdays, (and how can we forget the Christmas fudge) we wish you the happiest day on ...

Birth Announcement: Westley Jayne Dossey

Westley Jayne Dossey Born: November 19, 2020 Son of Linda and Daniel Dossey

Larry and Carol Brown 50th Anniversary

Larry and Carol Brown November 28, 1970 Happy 50th Anniversary Love, Kelly, Larry Jr., John, Clare, Andrew, Colton and Caden

Walt and Jane Selisch 65th Wedding Anniversary

Blessings and congratulations to Walt and Jane Selisch on their 65th wedding anniversary. Wed on April 19, 1955, in St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, McMinnville, Oregon. They have two sons, Max and ...

Fern Adolf - 95th Birthday

Fern Adolf celebrated her 95th birthday on July 13, 2020. Due to the virus, we had a small celebration at her home where she has lived for 40+ years.  Our Mom worked until she was 80 years young. ...

Ken and Gail Woodard June 27, 1970

Wishing you a happy 50th Anniversary Stacey, Dave, Brittny, Troy, Angela and Brady          

Samantha Potter - Happy 18th Birthday

Sami, Always remember you are braver than you think. Stronger than you seem. Smarter than you think and loved more than you know. Happy 18th Birthday and congrats on graduating. We all are so proud of ...

Tom & Donna Miller 60th Anniversary June 5, 1960

Happy Anniversary to our wonderful Mom & Dad. We love you very much! Shelley, John, Lisa, Jim & Steve  

Ann Scott - Turning 90

Ann Scott is turning 90! Her family is hosting an open house birthday party from 1:00 to 4:00 p.m. March 7, at  Willamina Free Methodist Church, 253 N.E. D St. Willamina, Oregon 97396 Please, no ...

Alice Earl is 104!


Jillian M. Burnham married Nicholas R. Burnham - 10/12/2019 at McCabe Chapel, McMinnville, Oregon

We are pleased to announce the marriage between Jillian Burnham (formerly Jillian Hegna) to Nicholas Burnham this past fall in the presence of family and friends. Dearest Nick,Thank you for always ...

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