Whatchamacolumn: Property tax summary provides feast of numbers
My occasional obsession with numbers is well fed every October by the annual Yamhill County property tax summary. And Yamhill County Assessor Derrick Wharff always contributes enough extra analysis to ...

Easter egg hunts planned Saturday
Get out your Easter baskets — and waterproof shoes — for Easter egg hunts in most Yamhill County cities this Saturday, April 8. Fire departments, service clubs and civic groups plan to hide ...

Stopping By: A creative place
It’s always the season for planting and growing at Incahoots, a business that thrives on change

Nostalgic comedy ‘Harvey’ opens March 31 at Gallery
Will audiences see the title character in “Harvey,” the nostalgic comedy that opens Friday, March 31, at Gallery Theater? Director Steve Cox won’t say. But he is betting theatergoers ...

Offbeat Oregon: Body-snatchers planned to hold ex-mayor’s corpse for ransom
The 19th century was a kind of golden age of body snatching. Digging up the freshly dead to cash the corpses in at the back door of a nearby medical school was — well, not common exactly, but far ...

Stopping By: A faith-filled life
A couple years ago, Eunice McAvoy bought an airline ticket for a trip to Texas so she could visit her daughter. The Lafayette resident filled out the paperwork with her birthdate and other details. When ...

Stopping By: Sue Nesbitt loves gardening and helping others learn
Sue Nesbitt, now one of the 90 Master Gardeners in Yamhill County, knew her thumb wasn’t as green as it could be back when she was gardening on the East Coast. She wanted to learn more about soil ...
Provoking Hope hosts annual fundraiser dinner Saturday
Provoking Hope, an addiction and recovery nonprofit in McMinnville, will host its annual fundraising dinner, "A Walk to Remember," Saturday, February 11, from 5 to 7:30 p.m. "If you donate or if you buy ...

Vintage News-Register: January 10, 2023
Chronicling life in the Yamhill Valley through the generations with the newspaper photo archives.

There was company waiting at home for McMinnville’s first baby of ‘23
McMinnville’s first baby of 2023, Stanley Farmer, left the Willamette Valley Medical Center Monday afternoon, and soon afterward, was greeted by his very own cheering section at home. Brothers Noah, ...

2022 in review: A few of the people we won’t forget
Yamhill County lost many of its residents in 2022. Every single one will be missed. Here are a few of those we won’t forget. In January, retired Yamhill-Carlton School District teacher Don Cram ...

Stopping By: The Beckwiths' Call
Kathy Beckwith and her husband, Wayne, are looking forward to returning to India, where they started their marriage as Peace Corps volunteers and where they have spent time helping at a school on several ...
Offbeat Oregon: World’s clumsiest drug smugglers also its most audacious, Part 1
Nearly 50 years ago, the Good Friday Earthquake changed Alaska forever. It killed nine people and slammed the West Coast with tsunamis that killed 122 more, including four in Oregon.
It did something else, too, though: It heaved up the seafloor of the Inside Passage near the ghost town of Katalia by a good 12 feet. And in the process, it brought something up to the surface that was a very important piece of the history of Alaska … and, earlier, Oregon.
Rohse: Monument-al memories of Halloween celebration
My mom was all for Halloween fun, but that didn’t include making a big batch of fluffy purple slime. In our town of Monument, trick or treating wasn’t very popular. Monument had a population ...
Savvy Senior: How to find an old 401k
Dear Savvy Senior: How do I go about looking for an old former company 401(k) plan that I think I contributed money to many years ago, but forgot about until recently? Retired in Rochester If you think ...