Submit a Paid Endorsement
The News-Register now offers supporters of any candidate to run an endorsement advertisement in the news section each Tuesday and Friday. Paid endorsements are submitted through the News-Register Classifieds ...
Replace Kellie Menke, Mac City Council, Ward 2
I have made some observations regarding Kellie Menke and the most recent housing development being built on Baker Creek Road this year. When I attended the first council meeting on the Baker Creek North ...

Vote for Brittany Ruiz, McMinnville City Council Ward 2
As a proud Hispanic business owner and McMinnville Area Chamber of Commerce member, I am endorsing my wife, Brittany Ruiz for City Council. McMinnville has been home for nearly 6 years. Our family ...
Re-elect Scott Hill, Mayor of McMinnville
I love McMinnville. My first introduction to McMinnville was as a student from a rival high school. Only 25 miles apart, back then the cities of Dallas and McMinnville were close to the same size and it ...
Elect Ron Noble, Oregon House District 24
It has been my privilege to know and work with State Rep. Ron Noble, first for many years as chief of police for McMinnville and then for the past four years as my legislative representative in District ...
Vote for Brittany Ruiz, McMinnville City Council, ward 2
As a small business owner I have become frustrated by the routine taxes and fees that are being added for us to do business in McMinnville, without seeing improvement in those same services. Last year ...
Vote Chris Chenoweth, McMinnville City Council Ward 1
Chris Chenoweth is not a politician. However, he is an ethical business owner. He is a loving husband. He is a role-model of a father. He is a good friend. He is a successful problem solver. I believe ...
Replace Kellie Menke, McMinnville City Council, Ward 2
Kellie Menke was elected to represent citizens of northwest McMinnville. But in hearings for four housing developments off NW Hill and Baker Creek roads, she did a better job representing two developers ...

Elect Kellie Menke, McMinnville City Council, Ward 2
Councilor Kellie Menke has devoted years of service within McMinnville. Numerous service clubs, committees and working groups all with an eye toward making McMinnvile livable and enjoyable for ALL, no ...