Submit a Paid Endorsement

The News-Register now offers supporters of any candidate to run an endorsement advertisement in the news section each Tuesday and Friday.
Paid endorsements are submitted through the News-Register Classifieds Department and must be paid in full before publishing. Paid endorsements will be displayed similarly to obituaries and milestones in the print edition and online. They will be noted as paid advertising, and will include the name and city of the submitter.
Paid endorsements are edited only for spelling errors and otherwise run as submitted.
Payments must be made by the same party whose name runs with the endorsement.
Click here to access the Submit Paid Candidate Endorsement form.
Campaign related in-kind and independent expenditures of $250 or more must be registered with the Oregon Secretary of State. For more information, see the rules on page 13 of the 2020 Campaign Finance Manual at