By Scott Unger • Of the News-Register • 

W&L raises water rates; delays hydrant fee hike

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Mr Garvin’s concern for rates rings hollow when the council has a $13/month “service charge” in place. That charge was originally authorized to rectify a budget overrun that has long ago been paid off. Maybe Mr Garvin can explain why that charge is still in place?




Adam Garvin is pushing back on a $1 increase for fire hydrant fees. Seems like a small amount, but as Garvin states, it all adds up. WELL… welcome to our world Adam Garvin! As a city councilor, you were involved in implementing a $13 per month “service fee” to all Water and Light customers to pay back a $1.8 million dollar debt. Part of the reason given was that the council decided not to “kick the can” down the road any longer, and retire this debt. The fee started in January 2023, and the amount collected from citizens has been more than enough to pay off the debt. Yet, the council has not stopped the fee, has given no indication it intends to stop the fee, and has not told citizens where the excess money is being applied. I think the city council thought that a mere $13 a month could be absorbed by citizens. Well, Adam Garvin, just like the $1 charge for fire hydrants, it all adds up, doesn’t it? I agree with tagup and Bouncer…will you explain?

Don Dix

Let's also not forget the proposed storm water fee on the horizon. This council and mayor are about very little unless the idea results in another scheme to extract more money from the residents.


How about taking matters into our own hands by subtracting $13
a month from MW&L bills?


Well said CubFan! Please remember to VOTE this November for new leadership that will show fiscal responsibility and transparency! McMinnville has been FEE'ed and FEE'ed and FEE'ed. Some might as well call these Fee's taxes. We must get out the Vote this November for new city leadership!


Well, the chance of correcting this injustice by voting is small. I suppose if there was a well-publicized litmus test
to that effect, maybe.


Right on Drew! We MUST vote for change to stop this shenanigans by the Mayor and City Council. Menke and Garvin aren't running for re-election. Only one person is running for Menke's seat, so that candidate will be elected. There are 2 candidates running for Garvin's seat. Voters in that ward will need to do some homework to see which candidate will represent them best. Chenoweth is running unopposed, which is good. He is the only councilor who understands just how stretched personal budgets are. But the mayor race will feature Kim Morris against incumbent Drabkin. Drabkin has proven time and time again that she is out of touch with voters. She has unrealistic visions, with no budget to back them up. So her "go to" is another fee. We must get support for Kim Morris, so we can stop this nonsense.


Thanks, once again, Water & Light. For nothing.


Nothing Lulu?
Much lower electricity rates compared to PGE, no shortages or water restrictions.
Other local communities are begging to access Mac water!
Don’t blame W&L for a service charge initiated by the city….W&L lobbied against it!
Show some appreciation for a well run utility!


"Don’t blame W&L for a service charge initiated by the city….W&L lobbied against it!"

Then would W&L would be ok if customers subtracted the $13 from their bill payments?


tagup, you are right on. The city council & mayor are the ones who decided on the $13 a month fee. They wanted to place it on the W&L bills, probably because W&L already had a billing system in place. W&L opposed this, but the city won out and that's why the charge appears on our utility bills. Any frustration about this $13 fee should be directed to city council and mayor- not W&L. However, independent of this, our water rates will go up starting in October.


Pertinent comment.


Just what is the path of the $13 from bill payment?
If the alleged debt is paid off, where is that money going?


Moe-I don’t think your suggestion of “subtracting“ the service charge from the bill is a viable solution. It would only result in late fees, collection actions and service disconnects.


That was mainly a rhetorical question.

If W&L was not in favor of the $13, and if the $13 is not paying for an individual's current W&L, then where is it going, and why would W&L care if it was not being paid?

True, if only a few isolated people subtract the $13, just trouble for those people. But if done by a majority, then it might be worthwhile.


I assume service chg funds are directed to the city’s general fund.
Maybe that’s a question better directed at Mr Garvin.


That makes W&L an enforcer.
Pay up your $13 or else!

How about no service fee, W&L rebates $13 on current charges, and recovers that from the city, until we're all square?

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