By Tom Henderson • Staff Writer • 

Officer faces more allegations of brutality

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Hmmm....Can't blame Mr. Noble for trying....


I hope we never lose sight of the fact that the vast majority of our mcminnville police officers are honorable men and women doing a great job of protecting us day and night.

F. Bank

Why we are taking the word of a man who witnesses say slashed another person, over a police officer, is insane. The hate and anger towards the Police, is getting out of hand. I guess the assumption of innocence only applies to the criminals. Now I do not know what happen, and neither do any of you. But I will give this officer the benefit of the doubt, until he is PROVEN guilty. I am leaving my real name off of this, because I am sure the PC liberals out there will show their true colors, and attack, par for the course.


No one is "taking the word" of the plaintiff...That said, there apparently was another officer on scene as a witness and the history of this officer is pretty well documented.....


This article fails to mention that Officer Heidt's use of force was caught on in-car videotape, was also witnessed by an independent county Mental Health employee who happened to be present at the scene off-duty on her own time, and the use of force incident was reviewed by the McMinnville Police Department and ruled Justified. It doesn't make for salacious reading that way. You can fill volumes with what newspapers deliberately choose not to print.

Heidt has been a Police Officer for 27 years. He never had a blemish on his record until Noble became Chief. He hasn't had a disciplinary issue since Noble left. Coincidence? Police administrators have agendas and can dislike a particular employee just like any other boss can. Noble didn't exactly leave with a hero's goodbye.

Cops have to use force to do their jobs, and lawsuits happen. Even justified use of force cases get settled. The insurance company makes that call based on the cost of going to trial and the fact that the use of force always looks ugly. Trying to explain to those on a jury who are not experienced in the use of force why something that looks ugly is in fact justified and necessary is an uphill battle from the beginning for a police department's defense lawyer.


The Newport incident is significant blemish in my view... Not sure The Mac Dept had a role there...
In any case, It appears that this action will be moot as it missed the filing date....


Just curious, Posse:

So Ron Noble doctored video evidence showing Heidt assaulting a man, resulting in a giant settlement against the city? He made up the well-documented drunken rampage in Newport? Noble somehow caused the ridiculously intoxicated Officer Heidt (née Sergeant Heidt) to assault a disabled man in a bar there? Did Noble lead the staggeringly drunk Heidt to the wrong rental house where he terrorized the woman inside while he tried to break in? Please confirm.

For a minute there, I was thinking Officer Heidt might be a guy with a lack of self-control and a proclivity for making bad decisions. But I will be reassured to know it was all Ron Noble’s fault.

For the record, I am a big fan of the police, hardly a cop-hater. But I take issue when one officer racks up a long and expensive record of bad judgment in my city. Common sense would suggest such an employee is a detriment to the community, not an asset.

For reference, see:

Reporter Starla Pointer

Tagup and Traffik have mentioned a "Newport incident." I believe they are referring to allegations surrounding a fight in Seaside, farther up the coast, in 2012.


F. Bank. I see you commented on the original incident when a guy named Smith was arrested for the crime. Interesting you would comment here about witnesses saying this guy Perez did it. Then follow with a bate about liberals. What fun you must be having.


I am referring to two incidents related to Officer Heidt’s conduct. Both have cost the city significant time and money — neither demonstrate any reason why Heidt should continue to “protect and serve” this community.

First, the incident in February 2010 where the city was sued when Heidt was accused of using excessive force against Hipolito Aranda. Heidt denied the charge, detailing a series of events completely different than the victim’s account. Heidt was exonerated until “lost” dashcam video mysteriously resurfaced, supporting the victim’s version of events. A federal judge found Heidt’s story false, ruling for the victim. Eventually the city settled with the victim for $295,000. This event brands Heidt a liar and demonstrates a proclivity toward excessive violence. Naturally, some wildly imaginative folks continue to insist Heidt was framed or otherwise mistreated.

Two years later, Heidt attended a sporting event — his child’s team, no less — in Newport. After the event, Heidt got himself stinking drunk and attacked a smaller disabled man, hurling him across a nightclub dance floor. Club security staff had to remove Heidt. Later that night, in his drunken stupor, Heidt attempted to break into a Seaside vacation rental, mistaking it for one he’d rented. Police responded to a 911 call by a terrified resident within. As officers were attempting to question him, Heidt fell backward over a fence. His blood alcohol level measured .24, three times the level of presumed intoxication in Oregon.

Heidt was demoted and eventually fired for his actions. He then sued the city for several million dollars and managed to get his job back — an unusual ruling from an unusual arbitrator.

Heidt may be a heckuva nice guy when he’s sober and off duty. But his actions at other times tend to cost this city far more than his services are worth, in my opinion. Not everyone agrees: clearly, F. Bank and Posse have somewhat lower standards for law enforcement.


(new Sergeant Heidt) ??? Really- nee?
I know it's nitpicking, and I could be mistaken, but I believe the "Newport" incident actually happened in Seaside.


In English, née is generally considered “born” or “formerly known as.” When a long-winded type like me is fighting character limits on digital posts, every little bit helps. Hence, my intent: “formerly known as Sergeant Heidt,” highlighting Heidt’s drop in rank. That little née saved me over a dozen characters.

And I was totally mistaken on the location. Yes, it was Seaside, not Newport as Starla already pointed out. Duh. In my defense, I’m not a native Oregonian and sometimes confuse my geography.


misspelled arbitrator - seemingly petty but you do have spell check right?


They also misspelled defendant... and no, I think they don't have spellcheck. :(

Nicole Montesano

F. Bank, apologies if we didn't make it clear, but Mr. Perez-Rivera was not the person who attacked the Burger King employee. The assailant, who was caught shortly afterwards, pleaded not guilty by reason of insanity, and was sent to the Oregon State Hospital.


So... what exactly do you say to a guy after roughing him up and taking him to the ground only to find out it’s the wrong guy?........


I’m confused. If the incident at Burger King was January 18, 2016 and the statute of limitations is two years, wouldn’t the statute run out in 2018?

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