By Paul Daquilante • Staff Writer • 

Mother of infant charged in death

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May the baby rest in paradise. Justice be served for her.


Wow. What a horrible way to be murdered.

Such a selfish, needless death.


What happened to innocent until proven guilty?


Would you sit and watch for 10-15 seconds as someone violently shakes your baby?


Would you sit and watch for 10-15 seconds as someone violently shakes your baby?


1st degree Murder in my book....


Assuming this is true....Who drinks when they have a 3 month old at home? If you want to be a drunken partier don't have children. They deserve better.


Did I accuse anyone of murder? Did I say the mother did it?

I said what a horrible way to be murdered, even you can agree with that I would think. I dunno, maybe not.

Regardless, let’s let the courts do their thing and see who was responsible for this needless death.

Or Lulu, you can just bust out the torches and string up whoever you think is guilty without all the facts.



In point of fact, Denise, I don't believe there's a pleasant way to be murdered. Second, our local court is nothing to write home about.
Cheers back to you.

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