James E. Ivy 1949 - 2022

Our father, James E. Ivy, went mercifully to be with His Savior on May 16, 2022, after a long battle with cancer.
Jim was born August 17, 1949, to Leela and James Ivy. He grew up in Colorado and loved the Rocky Mountains.
As a young adult, Jim accepted Jesus Christ's payment for his sins and surrendered his life to Gospel ministry. He married our mom, Susan (Carr) Ivy, and together they committed their lives to spreading the Good News of Jesus. They attended Tennessee Temple University, and then became missionaries. Their ministry started on the Jicarilla Apache Reservation in northern New Mexico, where they planted Good News Baptist Church and School. After 10 years, Jim and Susan moved to Aztec, New Mexico, and planted a new work, New Hope Ministries.
After leaving New Mexico, Jim came to live in Oregon. He also traveled to China and lived there for a few years. Jim had many grand adventures and invested his life into many close relationships with friends and family.
James was preceded in death by his parents, brothers, wife and one daughter. He is survived by his son, Todd Ivy; daughters, Angelene Garlinghouse and Charity Lemons; and nine grandchildren.
A graveside service will be held at 3:30 p.m. Monday, May 23, at St. James Catholic Cemetery, followed by a Memorial Service at 5:30 p.m. at Baker Creek Community Church.
To leave condolences, please visit www.macyandson.com.