By Paul Daquilante • Staff Writer • 

House-crashing motorist granted DUII diversion

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So does Gomez pay the victim or what?


As that bend is very vulnerable on a good day, maybe several sturdy columns could be placed there by the county to protect those properties, OR straighten that road out!


This seems to be a bit light on the sentencing considering all of the damage and the fact that he must have been speeding to travel that far after impacting the house. Reckless driving at least. Bizzyditchaz...I think straightening the corner(s) is in the plans of the Hill Road Project that started this month.


This seems VERY light on the sentencing. He destroyed a man's home. He got drove drunk, a crime in itself, and while doing so destroyed a man's home. How can the perpetrator not be in jail when the victim has lost his very home? (Don't even get me started on the family heirlooms.)

Bill B

Never heard of the Oregon DUI diversion program. From Google: "DUI diversion programs are offered because prosecutors and courts realize that sometimes a DUI is a mistake." Really, when was the last time one got drunk by mistake? This program is a joke IMHO. Basically for those of us who have never had a DUI, it's a free pass to drive drunk!


If you can't do the time, move to Yamhill County.

Paul Daquilante

Rotwang . . .

I hope to clarify your point and perhaps learn why a charge of reckless driving was dismissed as part of plea negotiations at the time of the defendant's sentencing hearing which is next week.

Paul Daquilante/reporter


I am not saying the sentencing is just but to call the DUII diversion program a free pass is totally inaccurate. Do you know all that the program entails? I have a friend who went through it and "free pass" is an absurd label for it.



“A free pass” is exactly what most people would call it.

Are you suggesting someone who showed extreme disregard and total selfishness by loading up on booze and drugs, and very nearly killing an innocent person, but by the grace of God, the victim wasn’t there, and destroying the victims personal, irreplaceable family heirlooms because he felt the need to drink/drug and drive?

All while avoiding jail time while paying a joke of a fine of less than $500!

Yeah. He got off easy.



“A free pass” is exactly what most people would call it.

Are you suggesting someone who showed extreme disregard and total selfishness by loading up on booze and drugs, and very nearly killing an innocent person, but by the grace of God, the victim wasn’t there, and destroying the victims personal, irreplaceable family heirlooms because he felt the need to drink/drug and drive?

All while avoiding jail time while paying a joke of a fine of less than $500!

Yeah. He got off easy.


Just because Gomez qualified for the diversion program doesn't mean he's getting off scot-free. I would imagine that the homeowner's insurance will go after him for the cost of damages and if they can get a judgement against him they may garnish his wages for years until the debt is paid. The diversion program isn't free and it isn't cheap and he will have to pay his attorney fees and more. What this guy did is very serious and the diversion program is there to educate first-time offenders and prevent repeat offenses. If he is stupid enough to drink and drive again he'll face more severe consequences. At 28 this guy should know better.

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