By Tom Henderson • Staff Writer • 

Homelessness tops council agenda

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If you want to make the wide divide that much wider, please charge the citizens of McMinnville for the needs of the homeless. Thank goodness for elections.


Turvey, amen to the elections but I think if Mac wants to stop the death throws they really need to RECALL! It isn't that hard it would just take some foot work and elbow grease.

David S. Wall

Raise sewer fees to fund homeless services?

No. If you have to raise sewer fees it is because your Mayor and City Council are full of "sewage" with reference to their fundamental lack of leadership to be rid of this vermin and their contagions instead of trying to mollycoddle them into submission. And this "sewage" must be promptly, efficiently and expeditiously treated via a "Recall vote."

Save your money on the sewer fee increase and simply "vote to recall" your Mayor and City Council and through your vote; throw them vigorously and unrepentantly out of office into the streets where they belong.

One salient solution to the homeless problem is to, "Not Provide Services of Any Kind."

An adjunct to the aforementioned is enthusiastic and rapid enforcement of all existing laws.

David S. Wall


There is no reason for this camping problem to have grown to this point. RECALL sounds appropriate and a new attorney would be very helpful 👍

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