By Nicole Montesano • Staff Writer • 

Decision expected in June in Sanai disbarment case

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It's way past time for him to go. Although his M.O. is delay, maybe he and his brother would be better off seeking psychological help to determine what lies behind their ruthless, rabid behavior. They might qualify for the family rate.


Lulu, I don't know if you are any more qualified to determine whether or not Mr. Sanai should lose his bar license than I am, but I do know that Rick is an incredibly intelligent and loyal person. He is an intense personality, but I can't say whether he needs psychological help or not.


I believe everybody needs psychological help.


Rick Sanai was the most dishonest public employee that I have had the chance to work with. That simple.


Actually, I was being very generous in my comment. I easily could have included private sector employees as well as everyone I have met in my life. I can't remember a person who would look you right in the eyes and attempt to lie as well as he could. The deeper the hole that he would dig, the bigger the lies. He was an interesting acquaintance.


His brother, Cyrus, is an equally disturbed person/attorney. What's with these two?

Robert Lee

Mr. Bagwell, I believe your paper would be better served if you kept your editorials and personal observations on the editorial page and not in comments to actual news stories your paper publishes. Do you have an ombudsman that you might discuss this thought with?


No we don't. I think we are a good deal too small to afford that kind of luxury. However, I would be happy to meet with you if you want to give me a call or drop by to see me. I have no problem considering what you have to say on the matter or exchanging views with you on it.


On reflection, I decided your observation had merit. I should try to avoid injecting my own opinion into what is intended here primarily as a reader forum. I went ahead and deleted my remark, but remain open to discussing the issue with you, at your pleasure.



I think Steve's personal opinions are greatly appreciated and enhance the forum. Even though Steve and I have disagreed many times, I learn from his opinions and those opinions from others. That is one of the primary purposes of this forum. It is too bad that you have tried to put a "damper" on someone's thoughts. I hope that Steve continues to express himself any time he feels appropriate.


I agree with kona. I believe Mr. Bagwell's professional ethics should allow him the freedom to express his personal opinions on this forum. He has a perspective that is important, and should be welcomed.

Mr. Lee's desire for a gag order on the paper's staff is inappropriate. This is a community forum for all, and I welcome the input from the newspaper staff, who are certainly more restricted on the published page than they should be here.


I agree with both kona and Spongebob. I see nothing untoward in Steve sharing his personal opinions along with the rest of us here.


Maybe a boy's best friend is, indeed, his mother.

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