By Scott Unger • Of the News-Register • 

Council to address dispute with contractor

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$2.5 million? Wow!


They took two older houses perched on the side of a hill and connected them in the middle with new construction. They could have easily remodeled or built elsewhere for less money and less problems. And the city will negotiate a settlement with the contractor. This means that they are paying them more of our money to fix unforeseen issues due to the complexity of the project.

But’s hey, it’s just tax money and it draws the homeless away from winetopia on third street which was part of the plan. This is other people spending other peoples money on pet projects, money is no object.

McMinnville Planning Department

For clarification. This project is funded entirely with grant funds. The final location was determined after visiting and evaluating several sites with a site selection committee. Since the site was already owned by YCAP, the operator of the facility, no funds were needed for land acquisition.


Don’t you hate it when facts ruin a good rant?

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