By Tom Henderson • Staff Writer • 

City refinancing its PERS debt

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Sorry Mark. You said, ".... I think mostly what we want to know is that there’s light at the end of the tunnel.” There is no "light at the end of the tunnel". The Oregon Democratic Party, Oregon Education Association, members of PERS and all of the other public sector unions blew out that light more than twenty years ago while everyone was sleeping.


Rules of retirement could always be changed with new employees moving forward, such as switching to a 401(k) kind of system, hence " a light at the end of the tunnel."

Don Dix

Mark Davis said, "“The whole PERS issue has become very politicized,” Davis said. “It probably always has been."

Correct Mark. Because long ago the Ds in Salem fell into a monetary windfall by being obedient minions to the unions. Union members in turn have received pay and benefit packages that are more like those of Congress. It seems as though that being a D in Oregon government means putting the union wishes as the top priority, no matter the circumstances involved. Inspect M97, carbon tax, ODOT preferences (Metro spending compared to other areas), DMV (Jane Cease), or even a multitude of money wasting performances by state employees or departments for prime examples of union domination and immunity from blame or termination.

Whether the costs are past or present is not as important as what the public gets for the price -- the answer is 'screwed'!

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