Letters to the editor: April 5, 2019
Vaccination only way to go?
Relative to the recent comment by Mr. Griffith about my credentials as an “unlicensed chiropractic doctor,” I submit the following for News-Register readers.
I have been licensed in Oregon since 1983 under ORS 684.
According to the American Chiropractic Association, there are more than 60,000 doctors of chiropractic in the United States, making the D.C. physician group the third largest after the M.D. and D.O. groups. They are accredited on both the federal and state levels as “chiropractic physicians.”
Basic chiropractic education covers the sciences of anatomy, physiology, embryology, biochemistry, microbiology, public health, biostatistics, cell biology, histology, physical diagnosis, clinical medicine, orthopedics, neuroscience, pathology, physiology, nutrition, pharmacology, radiology and additional electives, totaling a minimum of 1,900 hours, in addition to adjustment and manipulation techniques.
Relative to the vaccine issue, I submit the following:
The bill currently steamrolling through Salem is aimed at the 3 to 4 percent of unvaccinated children in Oregon. As the other 96 to 97 percent are vaccinated, those immunized need not worry, as measles is a self-limiting disease.
The current medical measles model is flawed. Read “The Paradox of Measles” by M.D. Paul Mullen of the Mayo Clinic.
Patients have to assume physicians who take the Hippocratic Oath are sincere in trying to help them. Karen Carpenter said it in these eloquent words: “Bless the beasts, and the children.”
Finally, no government or other entity has the right to interfere with a law-abiding citizen’s individual right to pursue health, happiness and freedom. Mandatory vaccinations violate this premise.
Google the Vaccine Risk Statement by Physicians for Informed Consent.
George Siegfried
Hill Road a showpiece
The new Hill Road section between Baker Creek Road and Second Street is the most beautiful we have ever seen.
The roundabouts, underground wiring and new sidewalks, landscaping and lighting are exceptional. We use it every day from our home at Hillside Retirement Community.
Thank you to all the residents who voted for the bond measure, and to the design, engineering and construction teams who saw the project through.
Bruce and Evelyn Stewart
Newspaper a community asset
Kudos to the editor and staff of the News-Register for the attractive changes in layout that have been made recently. The content of each section now flows more smoothly, headlines are dependably easy on the brain, and the increased use of color is happy for the eyes.
Whereas Section A is conventional in covering breaking news and reporting the progress of issues of local interest, the diversity of subject matter in Connections is awesome. A reader can check the legals, receive advice for the forlorn, get answers for seniors, try a recipe or just kick back and work on puzzles — with answers included, thank goodness. Those who peruse even most of the pages of the News-Register will come away with more knowledge than they brought to the read.
Now for the downside:
We need to be aware that our paper’s lifeline is advertising. Advertising pays for the major part of the publication, and it’s a challenge.
How can we help? We can support substantially by buying locally, patronizing hometown businesses and bypassing shopping on the Internet or at out-of-town big box stores.
We are extremely fortunate that our paper is family-owned, not part of a chain. This allows both the publisher and editor to feed the community according to their expertise in the field of journalism.
Being aware that dozens of newspapers all over the country have gone away in the last two years — and that Trump is relentlessly attacking reporters and incessantly calling press reports “fake news” in order to promote his own blarney — we should be doubly grateful for our owners, reporters, office staffers and the credible product of our hometown News-Register.
Peggy Lutz