Jeb Bladine: Growing MacHub, one donor at a time

The MacHub project has been growing, one donor at a time, since Dec. 1. You can join that donor list the hard way: Go through the hundreds of items accumulated on your shelves and tabletops, in cabinets ...

Submitted photo##Carly Loving, senior at McMinnville High School, works on a welding project.

Steve Macy: Say yes for our kids

In May of 2016, the McMinnville School District Board of Directors will ask voters to support the passage of a facilities bond measure. This measure was recommended by the Long Range Facilities Task Force, ...

Jeb Bladine: Marijuana 'horse' may be out the door

The state of Oregon is going to operate separate, complex regulatory systems for medical and recreational marijuana. There are justifications for a dual system, but pitfalls if it reduces safety for recreational ...

Can Stock Photo Inc. / dizanna##

Cami Nyquist: 21st century fundraising

As we are in this wonderful season of giving, wouldn’t it be miracle if we could all pause, even for a moment, in our busy, cluttered lives to ask what can I do or what do I have to give? Where is ...

Jeb Bladine: Trump's campaign uncovers deep pool

Donald Trump may have lost to Angela Merkel as Time’s Person of the Year, but in American politics he definitely was Person of the Week. For Trump, that oft-received award carries a strong dose of ...

Sal Peralta: Buyers, beware

If a single theme has started to emerge in the 2016 election cycle, it is the growing number of voters ready to break out the torches and set fire to the entire political establishment. In the GOP presidential ...

Jeb Bladine: Here's a number we can remember

Even if you have trouble remembering numbers, try to memorize this one: $2.6 billion. Yes, that would be two-point-six-billion-dollars. If this is too many dollars to contemplate all at once, here are ...

Ossie Bladine: Wired to shop local

To prepare for this article, I read up on the past 25 years of “Shop Local” themed columns printed in this section the week of Thanksgiving, most of which were written by my father, Publisher ...

Jeb Bladine: Thankfulness has many perspectives

Feeling thankful can be a challenge, and this is a good time of year to confront and overcome nagging discontents. That done, we can watch life’s miracles float by while finding ways to help others. One ...

Submitted photo##The We-Saw invites kids and families of all ages and abilities to participate by featuring a gentle rocking motion. It’s one of several pieces of barrier-free playground equipment the city is seeking to include at the NW Neighborhood Park.

Jay Pearson: More than a park project

McMinnville’s Parks, Recreation and Open Space Master Plan calls for a “close to home” neighborhood park to serve residents in NW McMinnville, where no such park or green space currently ...

Living with purpose in Parker’s name

Nov. 16 at 12:37 a.m. marked a year since Parker Archie Moore’s life ended. We still close our eyes and expect to open them and shake off this cruelest of nightmares, but that is not so. Knowing ...

Jeb Bladine: Good time to take a look at your 'stuff'

Here’s a sneak preview about a new nonprofit fund-raising strategy. No names at this point. OK, I will drop one name: MacHub. And here are some tantalizing tidbits about a program we hope to unveil ...

Can Stock Photo Inc. / ponsulak##

Starla Pointer: Driving with common sense

Once you have developed the skills and know the rules of the road, safe driving is mostly a matter of common sense and common courtesy. Pay attention to everything going on around you, all the time. Leave ...

Jeb Bladine: New developments have historic roots

In the midst of much excitement about new community projects in McMinnville, two longtime business groups are recalling their notable historic contributions to community growth and prosperity. And looking ...

Rachel Karl: Where are tomorrow's leaders?

Many Baby Boomers I know keep asking me, “Where have all the young people gone, and how are they lending a hand?” The established leaders and members of local civic organizations feel we’re ...

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