Ken Dollinger: As the bypass turns
It’s been a trying saga so far, and this season concludes with a few cliffhangers left out there
Jeb Bladine: Personal lists of ‘prominent deaths’
Today we continue our year-end tradition of reviewing the most prominent local news stories, and recognizing the loss of a few well-known people. Our practice of listing prominent deaths always overlooks ...

W. L. W. White: Our Boys, How Christmas Eve was enjoyed years ago
[The following is reprinted from the Dec. 25, 1886, edition of the Daily Reporter., McMinnville, Vol. 1, No. 95; price: 2 cents] By W. L. W. White Publisher, Daily Reporter Eighteen years ago Christmas ...
Jeb Bladine: No drones allowed, but some photos OK
People clearly are concerned about government surveillance, as per reader comments on our news story about Yamhill County’s new contract for aerial photography. The related debate spawned myriad ...

Robert Mason: No one solution to homelessness
But there’s potential for progress with understanding and multifaceted support programs
Jeb Bladine: Think about tax law impact on donations
Americans may be absorbed with late-stage holiday shopping, but their growing Christmas spirit also kindles a surge in charitable donations. Informed sources estimate that 30 percent of charitable giving ...

Gabi Esparza: Coho salmon in the Yamhill Watershed
Salmon are an iconic symbol of the Pacific Northwest. Strong and beautiful creatures, they provide a number of services to our ecosystems, economies and communities. They offer sustenance for not only ...
Jeb Bladine: Anti-media solution: Lynch journalists
Philippe Reines recently wrote: “The havoc Donald Trump’s presidency has wreaked will take years to fully understand, let alone recover from. High on the list of things to undo will be the ...

Chelsey Nichol: A festival worth saving
Turkey Rama needs new life, but scrapping the event as we’ve known it is not the answer
Jeb Bladine: Reader nudges N-R for shooting update
Monday, reacting to a Saturday shooting in McMinnville, a frustrated reader nudged us with this website post: “How about an update, News-Register.” Tuesday the reader added, “I don’t ...
Jeb Bladine: Give the council a landfill of testimony
It’s great how one of McMinnville’s most diligent city councilors still has confidence in quality public input on important government issues. Let’s hope that’s not just a bunch ...

Matthew Klingle: The gray between black and green
While shoppers scramble for Black Friday bargains this year, outdoor retailer REI is closing its 154 U.S. stores. This is the third consecutive year the Seattle-based company will ignore the frenzy that ...
Jeb Bladine: Give the council a landfill of testimony
It’s great how one of McMinnville’s most diligent city councilors still has confidence in quality public input on important government issues. Let’s hope that’s not just a bunch ...

John A. Charles: Tolling people on to Portland’s highways
Earlier this year the state legislature passed a bill requiring the Oregon Transportation Commission (OTC) to apply for federal authorization to implement “value pricing” on two regional highways: ...
Jeb Bladine: Obsession blurs lines of propriety
Obsession is a dangerous trait. Just ask J.W. Millegan of McMinnville. We don’t know exactly why a swarm of FBI agents stormed Millegan’s downtown McMinnville home Wednesday morning, except ...