Jeb Bladine: McKay Road deaths require speed limits

Decades ago, McMinnville citizens demanded action after 10 deaths in 10 years on the Three Mile Lane Bypass. Who will match that level of outrage after 12 deaths in 12 months on McKay Road? Whatchamacolumn Jeb ...

Jeb Bladine: Creating need for affordable housing

Nobody testified at this week’s public hearing on the city of McMinnville’s 2019-20 budget. Whatchamacolumn Jeb Bladine is president and publisher of the News-Register. > See his ...

Jeb Bladine: Plenty of questions about homeless law

The homelessness roller-coaster wild ride continues. McMinnville’s forbearance of homeless camping hit the wall with passage of Ordinance No. 5064. Beginning June 27, it is a crime to camp on public ...

Jeb Bladine: Too many topics to choose just one

Occasionally, exploring ideas for this column ideas reveals too many options to choose just one. Thus, this week’s surplus of topics. McMinnville isn’t alone in its meandering mission to treat ...

Jeb Bladine: Sneaky try to slow tax bill referendum

Oregonians revere — and will defend — their rights to access an initiative and referendum process that dates back to 1902. Consider these excerpts from 200-plus submissions of testimony on ...

## Marsh Lane: Formerly a picturesque road to the new W&L facility, where you could drop off your utility bill and continue into Joe Dancer for a relaxing nature walk. Those were the days!

Jeb Bladine: Viewpoints-style 'Vintage Photos'

Past McMinnville Chamber Chair Stevie Whited is an upbeat, optimistic person. Still, her recent letter to community leaders showed there are limits to her tolerance for unwanted change. Here are ...

Jeb Bladine: Civility set aside in state’s political war

A Viewpoints editorial today urges the “return to moderation and civility” in political discourse. So, what about the caustic message last week from state Sen. Brian Boquist to Oregon Business ...

Jeb Bladine: Sales tax on move; carbon cap next up

Battle lines are drawn in Salem, but legislative Republicans still are brandishing knives in a gunfight. Democrats number 38 of 60 representatives and 18 of 30 senators. Both totals meet the 60 percent ...

Jeb Bladine: Lawmakers engage in state money-grab

Oregon lawmakers have successfully diverted $108 million from the “kicker” that otherwise would have been returned to Oregon taxpayers as per the state constitution. But don’t even try ...

Jeb Bladine: A clash of ideas on immunization

You can understand much about the current immunization debate from just two words on each side of the controversy: Proponents of change refer to “required immunizations”; opponents call it ...

Photo by Sandi Colvin ## Looking out over Baker Creek wetland where developer is proposing fill to create 12-15 additional homesites.

Mike Colvin: Development threatens Baker Creek wetlands

Growth inevitably triggers impacts that ripple through the community. Executed unwisely, it can significantly reduce the quality of life in older, established neighborhoods and inflict damage ...

Jeb Bladine: Migration issues mix macro, micro

Most controversies produce macro and micro views of the issues. Consider the humanitarian crisis evolving on our southern border with Mexico, where “the past two months have seen a huge ...

A gram of prevention avoids a kilo of cure

By SEAMUS McCARTHY Of the Yamhill Community Care Organization The National Association for the Education of Young Children has proclaimed this the Week of the Young Child, aimed at spotlighting not only ...

Jeb Bladine: Who actually wins 'most sexist' title?

Biden, Basketball and Benevolent Sexism: I don’t know if I can cover all that in 400 words, but here it goes. Joe Biden drew heavy fire this week for his alleged past invasions of women’s ...


Hospital strives to meet changing needs

In healthcare, each day is filled with new discoveries and possibilities, a spirit we embrace at Willamette Valley Medical Center, despite the inevitable challenges. We are inspired each day to ...

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