By Ossie Bladine • Editor • 

Plaintiffs in Newberg School Board case seeking $370,000 in legal fees

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It's a no-brainer: Dave Brown, Brian Shannon, Renee Powell and Trevor DeHart should pay $370,000 back to the Newberg School District for their illegal actions.
1. It all began when seven concerned citizens took these four to court for violating public meeting laws. (They also had to name the school district, as it is not allowed to name only individuals.)
2. Circuit Court Judge Cynthia Easterday ruled these four board members illegally met secretly to conspire to hire an attorney aligned with their political goals, even though the district already had an attorney.
3. Now the school owes $370,000 for the attorney fees. But the school can take Dave, Brian, Renee and Trevor to court to try to get the money from them.
4. This is a no-brainer. Dave, Brian, Renee and Trevor should pay the school back for their illegal actions.

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