Per-mile tax the future, not necessarily the now

Drivers should probably get used to the idea of a per-mile tax to one day replace the gas tax. But there’s much to debate regarding the effectiveness of such a plan in the short term. Often a pioneer ...

Landlords' urgency puts tenants in difficult spots

In early May, residents of McMinnville’s Mulkey RV Park, including low-income seniors stranded in units not suitable for relocation, were served with an eviction notice giving them until July 15 ...

Modern housing investments can pay long-term dividends

Steps to enhance energy efficiency typically require some initial costs in return for a more substantial long-term payoff. In the housing market, eco-friendly practices continue to win ever greater acceptance, ...

Dayton emerges as first 10-gig city on West Coast

Last month, Dayton celebrated something remarkable enough for the rest of the nation to take notice. The home of the Old Timers Festival is now the first city on the American West Coast to enjoy 10 gigabyte ...

The only objectionable glare here is the glare of groundless opposition

During a 1980 election-eve debate between presidential rivals Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan, Reagan famously quipped, “There you go again,” in response to criticism he found especially specious. Despite ...

Third-party Johnson/Weld ticket worth look

The Libertarian Party nominated its presidential ticket over Memorial Day weekend. If you’re feeling disenfranchised by the choice between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, you might consider voting ...

Deterring the chronic drunk driver close to impossible

McMinnville resident John Charles Mickler gives new meaning to the term “incorrigible.” Obviously a habitual drunk, he recently earned his 10th conviction for driving under the influence of ...

Don't let the glare of bad news blind us to all that goes right

It can take a strong stomach to digest a day’s worth of what passes for news in the cesspool of social media. And many days, one fares only marginally better with the outpourings of media outlets ...

Report: Proposed corporate sales tax would act largely as consumption tax

An analysis released this week confirms what many Oregonians have suspected from the outset: Initiative Petition 28 is bad for our state and bad for our pocketbooks. It has little if any upside. Just making ...

Enviros continue to block deal, counties not doing much better

For decades, the federal Bureau of Land Management has been stuck between the rock of Northwest timber counties and the hard place of environmental advocacy coalitions.  In matters of public debate, ...

This year's Oregon primary marked by thoughtful voting

Tuesday night’s election returns were marked by numerous unexpected twists and turns, some of which suggest shifting fortunes may be in the wind for the November general election, and perhaps elections ...

Portland follies easily flow south to Salem

On April 28, The Oregonian reported: "The path to riches in Portland Mayor Charlie Hales' final budget has been paved with 'unprecedented revenue growth,' according to a new financial forecast ...

County leading the way in battling child abuse

There was plenty to absorb in April, as agencies throughout the nation held events and gave interviews in recognition of Child Abuse Awareness Month.  Even one case of abuse or neglect against our ...

Campaign season could exhaust work on state transportation bill

Transportation promises to be a key issue in statewide elections this year. A committee of lawmakers plans to begin in May crafting a transportation package for the 2017 legislative session, which promises ...

Olson a positive change to make for the county

Four years ago, we endorsed Allen Springer for Yamhill County commissioner on two main characteristics, transparency and independence. In our estimation, he has failed to deliver on either count, falling ...

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